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When Will I Get My First Subscription Box?

How do I know when to expect my first shipment? A subscription box is an excellent way to gauge your company’s growth, as well as customer satisfaction. The first shipment should be delivered before the first anniversary of the subscription. After that, shipments will be sent on the 15th of the month. If you have already subscribed to your favorite box, you can check out its status by visiting the website’s support center.


Subscriptions Renew Automatically

Most subscriptions ship on the tenth day of the month. You can expect to receive your first box in seven to ten days. Subscriptions renew automatically, so you can expect to receive your first box the following month. It is also possible to change your delivery date or cancel your subscription. You can change your shipping address at any time. A few months before your first delivery, you should receive your first box.

Seasonal Box or One-Time Box

When will I get my first subscription box? You can choose a seasonal box or a one-time box. Universal Yums offers packages for three, six, and twelve months. In addition to free shipping, the company offers a full refund if you’re not satisfied with the product. Once you sign up, the website will send you a confirmation email with the tracking information of your first shipment. You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account. You’ll be notified by email when your next box will ship out.

Subscription Date

When will I get my first subscription box? Most boxes are sent out on the 10th of the seasonal month. The first box will be delivered to you within 7-10 days of your subscription date. The next package will be shipped at the beginning of the following month. All members will receive their first box at the end of the month. If you miss the first delivery, you’ll still receive your first box the following month:

  • Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive your first box within seven to ten days. Your next TV will ship around the 10th of the following month.
  • If you sign up for a seasonal package, you’ll receive it on the 15th of every month.
  • The subscription period will automatically renew every month, so you’ll never miss a delivery date again.
  • Of course, if you’re not satisfied, you can always cancel your subscription at any time.

Customize Snack Box

If you sign up towards the end of the month, you’ll receive two boxes back to back. This is a good idea if you’re not sure you’ll love the products inside. It’s an excellent way to test the box before signing up. It will also help you determine whether or not you’re interested in continuing to receive your subscription. You’ll be able to customize your box as long as you want.

Free Shipping

Once you’ve made your selection, you’ll be able to choose a subscription length and several options. You can choose from 1-month, three-month, six-month, and twelve-month subscriptions, with free shipping within the U.S. If you’re interested in a particular country’s snacks, you can choose a 12-month subscription. You can then select the type of snack you want to receive with your monthly Universal Yums snack box.

When will I get my first subscription box? You’ll receive your first subscription on the 10th of the month. It will ship within a week or two. After that, your next box will ship on the 15th of the month, or if you’re ordering multiple compartments, it will take around ten days to reach you. So while your subscription may seem small, you’ll never know how much you’ve missed!

Final Thoughts:

Some subscription services will deliver a single box for a month. Others will ship to several countries at a time. You can choose your subscription from the list of countries you want to receive your subscription. Some will only ship to certain countries, so you should select the country you’re interested in when you sign up. But most of the time, it will be delivered on the 15th of the month.

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