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7 practice to adopt in 2022 for improving your keyword Rank

Do you want your website on Google’s first page? Keyword ranking isn’t easy. But it’s not impossible. Keyword ranking is a repeatable process. You won’t get the 100% result as you desired. Newly created website will take more time. But if you are creating a new website then you have to work continuously on keywords research and implementation. Google updates its algorithms from time to time and old traditional keyword practices won’t work anymore. With the Google algorithm update, you should also update your keyword ranking practices. Traditional practices like keyword research and targeting, page tagging optimization and content updation don’t have that desired impact. With the update, we should also update ourselves. We have to think beyond traditional keyword ranking factors. Here are several practices that digital marketing agencies in Mumbai are practising to improve keyword rankings in Google by looking at your site more holistically.

  1. Measure your rankings: Before starting any SEO related work, you should check your ranking, where you are standing in Google ranking. Without measuring your keyword performance, you can’t know how far you have reached. Analyse the keyword data from Google Search Console and landing page traffic from Google Analytics. Data analysis will give you some ideas about what valuable keywords or landing pages are, where the improvement is required and what keywords or landing pages are underperforming. SEO agencies in Mumbai offer you the best SEO services for your website at the best prices.
  1. Target the right keyword: It is important that you should target the right keyword on Google. Irrelevant keywords could set back you and decrease your Google search engine ranking page (SERP). You should look for keywords that are ranking on Google for keyword targets including related searches, Google suggestions, other search features. Don’t ignore the long tail keywords. If their search volume is less, then they may decrease the targeted audience who are ready to buy the product.
  1. Focus on the user experience: User experience is the hidden strategy to increase the sales. But many marketers ignore it. It is important for brand equity when it comes to driving organic search. It’s not directly responsible for a search engine. User experience and SEO work together. Content optimization, page tagging, keyword research and page speed are the key elements on which you have to improve user experience and SEO.
  1. Create eye-catching and engaging content: Audience search for the best result where the search intent is fulfilled. If the users get what they came for, your SEO will automatically improve. The keyword that you want to target, should be written in the beginning of the title. Emotional titles drive more engagement because it connects with the user. Pointer content is more powerful than the paragraph content. There should be a clear call-to-action (CTA) for users so that they can take decisions towards your content.
  1. Build inbound links: Inbound links help to generate more traffic. The more inbound links to your website, Google believes that you are providing the relevant content. The inbound links are related to quality rather than quantity. That means one high quality is better than ten poor quality links. Inbound links increase the authority of the website. High quality links drive high ranking on Google. Digital marketing agencies in Mumbai help organisations build journeys that engage with 100% visibility and are proven in results.
  1. Strategically content promotion: Non-SEO channels help to drive visibility to your website. Different promotional tactics are always helpful. You can distribute your content across social media channels. The first preference of all marketers is email. You can send your content to the subscribers through email. Everyone is on social media so advertising on social media can work to get your keyword rank on Google.
  1. Know Google updates: Google constantly changes its algorithm to get better for users. Some of the updates are publicly announced, some aren’t. Most of the updates aren’t open fully to keep the best results for users. This makes it hard for honest people to succeed. The major updates are Page Experience Update, Core Update, Mobile-first update, Pigeon, Hummingbird and Penguin. You should keep track of Google updates. Digital marketing agencies in Bangalore have a result oriented background on Google updates.

In this article we have covered the best practices to adopt in 2022 for improving your keyword Rank, get down to these actionable practices.

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