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7 Tips To Become a Better Motorcycle Rider

Everyone can always become better at activities that they enjoy including motorcycle riding. For riders, becoming better is another way to stay safe on the road.

When riders become involved in collisions with vehicles, the rider usually suffers the worst of the accident. The latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that just over 5,000 motorcyclists lost their lives in a collision in 2019. 

The stat represented a drop in deaths. However, it’s better if no riders lost their lives or became involved in an accident. Moreover, it shows that motorcyclists have a higher percentage of losing their lives in an accident than vehicle drivers.

Therefore, riders must remain alert while riding and enjoying the scenery. It also helps to improve your skills by taking classes. 

Let’s look at seven tips to become a better motorcycle driver.


1. Practice Good Posture

Motorcycle riders must keep their hands and back healthy. Otherwise, it’s difficult to ride, especially for long hours. Therefore, practice good posture.

Professionals recommend using the standard riding position of back upright. With the back upright, stack the shoulders over the hips. The position prevents riders from hunching over.

Moreover, it keeps the shoulders relaxed throughout the ride. When you finally hop off, you should not experience soreness or strain.

2. Train Your Eyes

Motorcyclists benefit from wearing protective eyewear. Whether the helmet has a visor or you opt to wear goggles, it may make riding a bit tougher. 

Practice riding with the gear and train your eyes. Since you ride exposed to the elements, sometimes you will ride into the sun. 

It’s also beneficial to practice seeing long distances. You’re searching for anything that can become an obstruction such as debris.

3. Practice Braking

The process to earn a motorcycle license remains thorough. The reason for the difficulty is to ensure that individuals ready to ride receive their licenses while the rest continue practicing.

Among the techniques that riders must practice is braking. In many ways, the art of braking occurs. If not executed correctly, the rider risks locking the front tire. When coupled with forward momentum, the bike can skid instead of stop.

Sometimes you can’t prevent accidents from occurring. In these cases, you must know what to do next and whom to call.

4. Take Classes

Motorcycle riding schools welcome students of all skill levels. Seasoned riders won’t fit into a beginners class. However, they can benefit from mid-level and advanced classes.

The goal is to check your technique. Veterans can develop bad habits over time the same way beginners can learn them.

Therefore, taking classes allows you to practice essential techniques. If nothing else, it’s a day to show off your skills with others and meet new riders.

5. Remain Proactive While Riding

Americans and the open road go together like peanut butter and jelly; it’s a match made in Heaven. It’s easy to lull yourself to sleep or become too comfortable in the seat.

The best riders remain proactive while riding. Once you reach the areas away from crowded cities and vehicle congestion, you’ll find yourself surrounded by nature.

Nonetheless, it’s important to remain proactive while riding. 

6. Read the Road

In conjunction with remaining proactive while riding, remember to read the road. 

Motorcyclists face more dangers than vehicle drivers. The vehicle protects drivers from the elements, debris, and other cars; that’s not true for motorcyclists.

A flying branch, rolling tire, or running squirrel impacts a motorcyclist far more than a driver. Therefore, riders must read the road more. 

If you ride next to a big rig and you can see that the tire coverings are loose, pull away from it just in case the rubber rolls into the road.

7. Maintain Your Bike

As a motorcyclist, anticipating how your bike will react to every situation is essential. It’s seldom a good idea for vehicle drivers to swerve, especially out of their lane. The same is true for motorcyclists. 

However, sometimes it’s necessary to avoid debris.

If you swerve on your bike, will it respond in the manner that you anticipate?  

Maintaining the bikes is one way that riders become better acquainted with them. It also makes you a better rider.


There is no doubt that Americans have a love affair with motorcycle riding. As you enjoy the open road, remember that you can always become a better rider. Taking classes to test your technique and practicing good posture are two simple ways to improve your skills and keep you safe while riding.

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