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Health Covid-19

Protect Your Child From Asthma on the Second Wave of COVID-19

Though the medical and scientific world is creating a wildfire each day with the supposed innovation of miracle drugs that can cure the SARS Cov-2 disease, none of the efforts have proved to be substantially useful to date. On the other hand, the virus is increasing across the world without any sign of slowing down. The infection can plague both the elderly and children, while healthy adults are the least vulnerable to the virus. Therefore, the best asthma specialist near me advises taking special care of your pulmonary and overall respiratory system to prevent being a victim of the viral attack.


The CDC’s Guidelines to Protect Yourself from the Pandemic:

According to the CDC, both children and adults should adhere to a few safety regulations until a credible vaccine makes its way for widespread use.

  • Frequent hand washing with appropriate sanitizers
  • Maintaining a safe, social distancing norm and staying at least six feet apart from each other
  • Wearing a face covering (that guards your nose and mouth) at all times when you are outside, and social distancing becomes difficult
  • Avoiding contact with infected people.

The Best Asthma Specialist Near me Delineates the CDC Findings for our Advantage:

According to the latest studies and evidence gathered, any acclaimed private respiratory pediatrician corroborates the CDC’s views that the COVID-19 infection is not more threatening to children than adults. But patients suffering from chronic respiratory conditions are indeed at an increased risk from the viral infection.

According to the children’s lung, asthma and sleep specialists, infants and children are highly vulnerable to asthma. It is one of the most standard chronic conditions afflicting them. Children with uncontrolled asthma could be at grave risk of contracting the COVID-19 infection and suffering heavily. The doctors say that such children might require emergency treatment.

But Why are Children still Prone to COVID-19 Infection Scare?

The scientists claim that the SARS Cov-2 virus that causes the COVID-19 infection is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. The best asthma specialist near me says that the virus is altering its structure and characteristics as it spreads to the world population. The mutation is happening quite gradually, but it has a sustained impact. The gene encoding the spike protein in the crown of the virus is undergoing mutation. Hence, the virus might have an added advantage in penetrating human cells and infecting us.

Therefore, no possibilities are certain that the children and infants who do not show excessive vulnerability to the SARS Cov-2 strain will continue to do that in the future. With the COVID-19 curve yet to be flattened in a significant part of the world, the threat persists. According to some of the renowned children’s lung, asthma and sleep specialists, third-world countries and developing nations are at a more significant risk since the demographic variations and economic disparity makes it impossible to abide by every health guideline and regulation.

How to Combat the Issue of Chronic Asthma in Children during COVID-19?

According to a renowned private respiratory pediatrician team, asthma during the pandemic can exacerbate children’s infection. Therefore, they have laid down a few additional steps apart from the CDC’s basic guidelines.

  • Creating and abiding by a stringent asthma action plan for the child
  • Providing a copy of the asthma action plan to the caregivers, nurses, and teachers so that they can stay updated about any imminent concern
  • Refilling asthma medications before they are exhausted
  • Taking the prescribed asthma and allergy medications
  • Avoiding the standard asthma triggers. These include smoke, indoor and outdoor allergens, stress, etc. They also include seasonal and viral infections like flu, cold, and COVID-19.
  • Parents and guardians should help their children practice mindfulness to reduce stress effectively.
  • Parents and guardians must stay connected to their private respiratory pediatrician to discuss concerns or get answers to their queries.
  • Parents and guardians should get CPR and first-aid certification to help the child in cases of emergency

What is an Effective Asthma Action Plan?

The best children’s lung, asthma, and sleep specialists always stress creating and developing a robust asthma action plan to combat any respiratory emergency that might plague children during the pandemic. Such respiratory emergencies could even be a precursor of the COVID-19 infection.

Once the parent ensures that the asthma medications are in adequate supply and available for their children as prescribed, they could consult with a trustworthy private respiratory pediatrician and get down to curating the ideal action plan. Though the pediatricians will create the action plan, it will provide detailed insight for the caregivers, school nurses, and teachers about the child’s asthma symptoms. The action plan also comprises detailed information on managing such symptoms.

Once you have done the layout of the action plan. Stay aware of the internal and external allergens that form a part of the standard asthma triggers in children. As such, a frailing pulmonary system presents an excellent scope for the SARS Cov-2 virus to infect the child. Thus, you should protect your child from internal and external allergens. The best asthma specialist near me says that special care should be taken to protect your child from second-hand smoke, gas, soot, and stress. Seasonal infections might also play havoc with your child’s respiratory health and should be taken care of.

Final Thoughts:

Though these don’t form a part of the asthma action plan. The children’s lung, asthma and sleep specialists recommend that people can adopt additional. Preventive measures like keeping their residential premises clean and well-ventilated, practicing good hand hygiene. Taking the annual flu medications, taking allergy medications and wearing face covers. The parents should do follow-up visits to the concerned physicians for asthma-education and medication refills. However, strict lockdown could entail only telemedicine or video appointments.

Overall, the best asthma specialist near me believes that the second wave of the COVID-19 is imminent. And keeping your child protected against asthma triggers will create a circle of protection against COVID-19.

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