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Ensuring Accessibility for Those Living with Disabilities – accessiBe

Accessibility has come a long way in recent times. Governments around the world have helped with this as laws have been introduced to make sure steps are taken to care for those who are living with disabilities. Thanks to this we see elevators in public buildings, we see disabled toilets on every floor, we see wider aisles, ramps and automatic doors. This has all helped to improve things for disabled ones with mobility problems. But there are many types of disabilities and many other ways that we can help disabled ones. As well as governments, companies like accessiBe, are working hard to keep up with our ever-changing world and making sure it stays accessible to disabled ones.

There are so many types of disabilities, and we can’t just assume that one thing will be a solution for everyone. For example, adding a ramp to a building may help someone in a wheelchair, but it makes no difference to someone with a hearing impairment. Adding lights to pedestrian crossings will help a person with a hearing impairment who can’t hear the beeps but will not make a difference to someone in a wheelchair. We need to adapt our approach to accessibility depending on what disability any given individual may have. The problem is that in some situations, many different individuals with many different disabilities may need access to the same thing. When this happens, it can feel overwhelming to know just how to help each person, providing the appropriate assistance.

One area that this is the case is concerning the internet. The recent pandemic has seen a huge increase in the number of websites out there and this has meant an increase in the number of websites that are not accessible to those living with a disability. To help remedy the situation, there is software available that, when added to your website, will scan for any accessibility concerns and then fix them for you. All of the work is done for you leaving you with an accessible website that everyone can enjoy. As well as being the right thing to do, this will benefit your own business and website. There are approximately 61 million disabled people in the United States, and over one billion in the world. Think of the potential increase in visitors to your site if this many more people can access it. So do the right thing and enjoy the benefits for doing so.

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