HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are a kind of mechanical air filter. These are efficient at removing up to 99.97% of dust particles, mold, pollen, bacteria, and other harmful airborne particles.
EPA Purifiers have one job of removing fine harmful particles from the surrounding air, and they do it just right. These purifiers can rapidly filter airborne allergens, most commonly pollen and dust, pet dander, mold, dust mites, smoke and soot of automobiles, and smoke from tobacco, wildfires, etc. Moreover, these HEPA purifiers can also capture viruses and bacteria. Before you move ahead, here’s a handpicked list for you to find the best hepa air purifier.
How Do HEPA Filters Work?
Although a physical process, HEPA filtration is not like a literal filter such as nets or mosquito nets where it blocks particles from passing through.
Instead, the technology in these purifiers is such that a fan draws suspended air particles through a dense filter. This filter has different-sized tiny gaps. This is how the “high-efficiency” comes in since the air passes undisturbed while the filter manages to trap most particles. Particles as big as pollen (approx. 10 microns) and as small as viruses (0.01 microns) are trapped by this maze-like web.
Airborne particles are captured in 3 ways:
- Impaction captures particles as big as or more than 0.5 microns. The momentum of these particles helps them slam into and stick to the fibres.
- Interception captures particles slightly smaller than 0.5 microns. The low momentum helps them flow around fibres but ultimately touches them and gets stuck.
- Diffusion is the procedure by which particles under 0.1 micron are caught. These particles slow down due to friction with air molecules thus bounce and stick into the filter’s fibres.
Consequently, they do not emit pollution as almost all particles are captured by the filter.
Does Your Home Need HEPA Filtration?
This filtration system is a considerable upgrade from regular filters with its modern technology. HEPA filters are necessary and useful if people in your home are prone to suffering from allergies or even asthma. In such a situation, it is highly suggested to invest in the best hepa air purifier to eliminate allergens and particles from the air effectively.
An increase in pollution levels globally has dramatically impacted air quality. Poor air quality in homes can cause common respiratory issues like sore throats, difficulty breathing, and sneezing. Installation of a HEPA filtration system in houses can significantly reduce airborne allergens that cause these symptoms. They are cleansers that assure a microbe-free environment.
HEPA Filters – Are They Beneficial?
To answer in short, yes, HEPA Filters are worth the investment. Although you clean your homes thoroughly, airborne particles find many ways to enter your houses and subsequently build up. This is a recurring issue.
A sound filtration system results in a significant improvement in indoor air quality. HEPA Filters effectively reduce dust mites, pollen, mold, and pet dander. An upgraded purifier will improve air quality indoors and keep everybody protected.
The pandemic has made people more sensitive to the need for cleaner air in their homes and workspaces. These items are air sanitisers that ensure high performance. They are designed for good coverage. One must look into the required specifications and functioning aspects before deciding on the investment. This may vary as per the needs. It can be for residential or commercial purposes.