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How Can You Help Children With ADHD ?

CBD is commonly used to treat a variety of mental and physical illnesses. Because of its versatility, CBD is typically the subject of in-depth research. While people want to know more about What are Sunday Scaries, CBD oil shows promise in alleviating many of the symptoms of ADHD, additional research is needed to see if it may be a viable therapeutic option.

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What Is ADHD?

ADHD is a chronic illness that affects many children and typically persists into adulthood. ADHD comes with several long-term difficulties, such as difficulty focusing, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior.

Low self-esteem, troubled relations, and poor academic achievement are common symptoms of ADHD in children. Some people, though, never fully recover from their ADHD symptoms. They can, however, develop successful tactics.

Medications and behavioral approaches are commonly used in treatment. While medications will not treat ADHD, they will help to alleviate its symptoms. Early detection and treatment can have a significant impact on the result.

Symptoms Of ADHD

Two of the most prevalent signs of ADHD are inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behavior. Usually, the symptoms for ADHD appear before children turn 12 but in some children at the age of three. The signs will go from mild to severe, and they can continue when the person is a grown-up.  

Inattentive children do not pay much attention to details and have difficulty following instructions. They are easily distracted and have issues organizing any tasks or activities. Those who suffer from hyperactivity and impulsivity often fidget or tap their hands or feet. They are sometimes impatient and talk a lot. They are constantly moving or running in situations they’re not supposed to.

Complication Children With ADHD Face

For kids with ADHD, life can be difficult. 

  • They could frequently struggle in class, leading to academic failure and criticism from peers and adults.
  • Children with ADHD are more likely than children without ADHD to be involved in various accidents and injuries.
  • Possess a low sense of self-worth.
  • They are more likely to experience difficulties communicating with classmates and adults and their acceptance.
  • They are at a higher risk of drinking/substance misuse and other forms of delinquency.
Image Source: Pixabay

How Can CBD Help With The Symptoms Of ADHD?

While CBD has a long way to go before it can be considered a viable ADHD therapy option, it may help ease the symptoms associated with the disorder. ADHD rings with poor concentration, soft focus, and short attention spans. Many people with ADHD experience high levels of psychological distress. CBD works with critical brain receptors to boost mental clarity and concentration at work or school. CBD oil, in particular, is beneficial for anxiety and stress relief. We lose energy and feel weary due to anxiety and stress, which leads to poor difficulty concentrating.

Children With ADHD And CBD

Not much research is there on children with ADHD because of the stigma associated with cannabis. However, more studies are being conducted as the popularity of milder treatment alternatives with fewer side effects grows among children. Epidiolex, a CBD-based epileptic medicine routinely used in children, has been at the forefront of this research.

A case study- ‘Perceived efficacy of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis extracts for treatment of pediatric epilepsy: A potential role for infantile spasms and Lennox–Gastaut syndrome’ by Shaun A. Hussain et al., was conducted in 2015. This case study is famous in the majority of CBD research with children. Parents who responded to an online poll said they give Cannabis products to their children responsibly. Improvements in their alertness, sleep schedule, and overall mood are beneficial.

Because there have been no scientific trials involving children with ADHD, if you’re interested in giving CBD to your child, talk to your doctor first.

What Kind Of CBD To Use For Children?

Numerous products, including edibles, tinctures, oils, beverages, and topicals, are available. Because topicals, such as creams, lotions, and balms, must infiltrate your skin, very little CBD enters your bloodstream. Topicals won’t assist with illnesses like ADHD.


Because there isn’t enough research on CBD and ADHD, there aren’t any dose recommendations. Starting with a small dose of cannabis per day and progressively increasing the dosage over time is usually recommended. Most companies recommend starting with 10 to 20 mg per day. The dosage for children may be considerably lower.

Before utilizing any product, it’s critical to consult with a doctor. If your doctor recommends CBD, they can also help you determine what dosage is suitable for the child.

Risk/Side Effects

Because we get CBD from a natural substance, there is a common misconception that it is safer than other drugs. However, “natural” does not always equate to risk-free. While it is deemed safe for human use, it does have the following potential adverse effects:

  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea

CBD interacts with many medications labeled with a grapefruit warning. CBD, like grapefruit, can alter the way your body processes some drugs, resulting in unwanted side effects.


Some children’s reports include case studies or personal anecdotes for CBD reported by doctors or researchers.

In a 2013 report, for example, parents in California were encouraged to participate in a Facebook poll regarding giving their child CBD-rich cannabis to treat epilepsy. Nineteen parents reported that they gave it to their children. Drowsiness and exhaustion were among the side effects.

In a 2015 Facebook survey, 117 parents of children with epilepsy said they could safely give their child CBD products. According to the parents, regular cbd gummies dosage use improved their sleep, alertness, and mood.

As mentioned above, research is minimal. CBD is not yet a therapy option for ADHD and requires more study to assess its effects. Some people still believe it helps them manage ADHD symptoms, but additional research is needed to back up this claim and detect any adverse side effects. Anyone considering taking CBD for ADHD should consult their doctor and familiarize themselves with local restrictions.

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