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How Mobile Data Collection Benefits The Customer

Constant changes in the field of information technology have already opened some amazing and exciting new aspects of how to conduct research properly and accurate data is collected, with some really big implications to evaluate and monitor frameworks and program design.

One of these crucial advances is the use of MDC or Mobile Data Collection. Mobile Data Collection is the task of utilizing the existing products of information technology such as smartphones, software for data gathering as well as tablets.

Instead of gathering those crucial data on paper with the use of a pen, which is after manually entered into a specific database for correct analysis, data is then input into a certain device which is then can directly be exported into a database that is centralized with the use of a local computer or Internet.

This special procedure known as Mobile Data Collection offers various benefits compared to the traditional method of using paper-based data.

Benefits of Mobile Data Collection

As there are numerous benefits of Mobile Data Collection, some of those are listed below to give you a proper understanding.

Offers efficiency and good speed

Using the help of MDC methods and internet technology, access not only becomes real-time but also worldwide.

  • Data can be offered automatically in visual forms that can easily track the really crucial indicators without the need for manual analysis by a good statistician.
  • Data can be prepared for proper analysis as it is entered into an electronic form directly. This form can be easily exported into a statistical package.
  • The actual speed of conducting the interviews can be reduced, as the interviewer can be prompted properly with the list of correct questions to ask. Thus, they don’t need to concentrate on the question patterns or spend some time checking that all the required fields have been properly filled.

Can reduce the cost-effectively

A large number of development programs run under really tight budgets. Limited funds mean it is better to save some money to implement some more impact-oriented tasks. Although the modern MDC tools have some costs, they can result in better savings as well. Such as:

  • Savings can be made on the costs of printing, which can be important to increase the interview length.
  • The traditional method of data collection needs double data entry data, where the clerk transfers that data from the paper into the computer. Elimination of this tedious process can result in significant savings, mainly when there is a large amount of survey.
  • A good amount of cost savings can also come from the customizability and flexibility of those mobile tools. So, there is no need to carry extra questionnaires.
  • Utilization of those amazing multi-media features like the use of graphics, audio, photo, and video, to properly survey the topics.
  • Make use of GPS technology to know about the location of the survey sites.

Better Quality

Mobile data collection can not only offer you effective cost savings but also can automate the process of data cleaning.

  • As you don’t have to transcribe the data from the paper, there is no chance of having any error; thus you can get better quality.
  • MDC also offers the auto validation of the data as well.

So, after going through these numerous advantages of Mobile Data Collection, you can say that it is no doubt a revolutionary step in the process of helping the customers to a great extent.

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