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How to Check That Unknown Number That’s Calling You

Everyone gets random calls from unexpected people every now and then. Most of these calls are not so important, and the callers have no legitimate business with whoever they call. Some callers will be mischievous enough to hide their identities so that tracking them down proves impossible if ever you decide to do it. Nevertheless, suppose you’re in this sticky situation and are looking to find out who has been randomly calling you. In that case, you need to be very stealthy and cautious because some callers intend to get something from you.

Here are ten ways to unravel the unknown number relentlessly seeking your attention.

1. Use The Trapcall Identification Service

Trapcall is a premium caller identification service that you can easily access on your phone on Google Playstore or Apple Store. It is a popular app that has consolidated a massive database of identities, including notorious spam callers. It gets down to work immediately after your phone starts ringing, as long as you have an active internet connection. It provides the caller ID even for callers who want to remain anonymous by hiding their ID. It automatically blocks known spam callers and notifies you about it, just in case you want to take further action. With Trapcall, you can keep fake calls off and create a blocklist for notorious stalkers.

2.    Install Truecaller On Your Phone

Just like Trapcall, Truecaller is a mobile app that helps you identify new callers who are not on your contact list. It is a free app that uses thousands of databases to identify every number that calls you. It unmasks unknown callers and lets you know if they are notorious spammers. Most of the personal information on the app is acquired from other users, so you shouldn’t depend on it for verified personal data.

3.    Use the *69 dial feature

Dialing *69 on your phone anywhere in the US will give you any registered information about the number that just called you. It also allows you to reconnect to the last call you received. There are no guarantees you’ll get them because they’ll likely not pick up, especially if they’re scammers. You can also use *57 if you wish to involve the police, which would be necessary for persistent anonymous calls. Your carrier will most likely charge you a dollar or two for these services. However, you’ll not mandatorily get them from every carrier.

4.    Try Instant Checkmate If You Think The Number Is Legitimate

Instant Checkmate gives you several ways of searching for information about people. It gives you access to more than just a name and an old address. It is a dynamic website that provides access to people’s information, such as traffic records, relatives and acquaintances, criminal history, and vital documents. If you are not happy with the results, try Nuwber instead.

5.    Call Your Phone Service Provider and Ask For Help

Your phone carrier can tell everything that happens with your phone. They can see everyone who’s texting or calling you. However, they are legally restricted from disclosing information about their subscribers unless there’s a valid court warrant. Your carrier will not necessarily tell you who your nagging anonymous caller is, but they can help you with keeping them away. They are also better placed to collaborate with the authorities and nail the elusive criminal. If you get intolerant of anonymous callers, just call your phone carrier and talk to them about it. Keeping you away from such people is their responsibility too.

6.    Use The Zlookup Website

Zlookup has been recognized as a leader in tracing contact info. All you need to do is type a phone number and let the site crosscheck it with thousands of databases to give you as much information about it as possible. It gives you access to information about persons and businesses linked to the contact.

The service is absolutely free and seamless to work through. Zlookup has partnered with Numlookup, another top lookup company, to give you as much accurate info as possible. The only problem is that you can’t use it to work around hidden identities. So you won’t succeed with callers notorious for hiding identities.

7.    Do a Social Media (SM) Search

Social media platforms such as Facebook have a helpful search feature. If you’re receiving persistent calls from a number you don’t recognize, you can easily type it on the search panel on Facebook. You could find an actual identity associated with it that could actually be someone you know. However, this long shot will not be efficient for flagging criminals. Most criminals wouldn’t attach their contacts to their online profiles.

8.    Use the PhoneHistory database

You’ll find a vast database of people’s real names, contact information, age, and addresses onPhoneHistory. You can always use it to try your luck with identifying those hidden callers. However, this is not as effective as a government-affiliated site for obvious reasons, but it’s better than nothing.

9.    Search for it online

Tech corporations like Google have to deal with thousands of scammers and spammers daily. They keep reinventing their software and network protocols to avoid such criminals, and in most cases, they succeed. They block them and allow their customers to add new numbers to the blacklisted spammers’ list. If you search for a phone number on Google Search, you can find it on the list if it has been used to try and scam other people before. That way, you’ll be sure you’re blocking a number that deserves it.

10. Try Spokeo

Spokeo is a reliable personal contact tracker that matches them with corresponding official names, addresses, emails, locations, and social media profiles. Again, it may not have everything, but it feels good to have options on your quest for solutions, doesn’t it?


Getting random phone calls from strangers could be spooking at worst, but it is in general annoying. The best you can do about it is block the callers, but now you have ten options if you can’t. 

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