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How to make a heart out of a gum wrapper

TikTok is a free video sharing app that has become incredibly popular. TikTok has been called the YouTube of China, and lots of people have been enjoying this app to share their own videos with the world. But what do you do if you’ve seen your favorite video and it’s been removed from the app for some unknown reason? Well, luckily there’s an easy fix for that!

How to make a heart out of a gum wrapper?

When you’re feeling down, or just need a quick pick-me-up, a piece of gum can be a great source of happiness. But sometimes you don’t have any other options, and that’s where this simple little craft comes in handy. All you need is some wrapping paper, a sharpie, and a heart-shaped gum wrapper. Here’s how to do it: 

1. Start by tracing the outline of the heart onto your wrapping paper. Don’t worry about getting it perfectly straight – we’ll fix that later. 

2. Once you’ve traced the outline of the heart, fill it in with your favorite color of paint. Be creative! You could use different shades to create different effects. 

3. Once your heart is painted, use a sharpie to add some details – like love letters or happy faces. If you’re feeling fancy, try using different colors for the different parts of the heart – blue for the bottom part, pink for the middle part, and green for the top part. 

4. Finally, cut out your heart and stick it on your gum wrapper. You’re

What is the best way to make the heart?

There are many ways to make a heart out of a gum wrapper, but the easiest way is to cut a small hole in the bottom of the wrapper and poke a thin straw through it. Then, hold the wrapper up so that the heart is facing out and blow into the straw until it forms a bubble. Repeat with other wrappers until you have a bunch of them.

Tips for Making the Heart Shape

Making a heart out of a gum wrapper is a fun way to show your love for someone or celebrate a special occasion. Here are some tips for making the perfect heart:

1. Start by cutting the gum wrapper into small strips. Make sure the strips are long enough to form a heart shape, but short enough so that they don’t overlap.

2. Place the strips in the desired arrangement on a flat surface. Try to make sure that the center of each strip is aligned with the center of each other strip.

3. Use an adhesive to bind the strips together into a heart shape. If you don’t have adhesive, you can also use pressure to hold the strips together until they dry.

4. Allow the heart to dry completely before removing it from the surface. Then, you can enjoy your masterpiece!

The finished heart

Making a heart out of a gum wrapper is a fun and easy way to show your love. Here are the steps:

1. Start by cutting a small hole in the center of the gum wrapper.

2. Cut out a heart shape using a sharp knife or scissors. Be sure to cut through both layers of the wrapper so that the heart is completely open.

3. Glue the edges of the heart together using a glue stick or Mod Podge. Make sure to spread the glue evenly across the entire surface of the heart. Allow the glue to dry completely before handling the wrapper again.

Materials Needed

-Gum wrapper


-Can of white spraypaint

-Heart template (downloadable from Google) or a print out of a heart from online


-Permanent marker

-X-Acto knife or razor blade

The Materials Needed:

1. Gum wrapper

2. Paintbrush

3. Can of white spraypaint

4. Heart template (downloadable from Google) or a print out of a heart from online

5. Scissors

6. Permanent marker

7. X-Acto knife or razor blade

Safety Measures

To make a heart out of a gum wrapper, start by cutting the wrapper in half so that you have two identical pieces. Take one of the halves and smoothly unfold it so that the sticky side is facing out. Holding the other half of the wrapper with one hand, place the unfolded edge of the first half over the top of the sticky side of the second half and smooth down until you have a circular shape. Use your other hand to gently pressing down on both ends to form a heart. If needed, use a piece of tape to secure it together.

How do you make a heart out of a gum wrapper

The beauty of gum wrappers is that they’re one-size-fits-all. So if you want to make a heart out of one, all you need are some scissors and a bit of creativity. Here’s how:

1. Start by cutting a small hole in the center of the wrapper. This will be your heart’s “heart”.

2. Cut out a circle around the hole, being sure to leave a little border around it.

3. Take the border and fold it inward so that it forms a “heart” shape. Secure the folded edge with a glue stick or your finger.

4. Finally, cut out any extra bits of the border and tuck them away inside the “heart”. Voila! You have yourself a pretty sweet heart made from a gum wrapper!

What can you do with gum wrappers

If you’re like most kids, you probably don’t waste any gum – you quickly chew it up and swallow it. But what can you do with all those wrappers? Here are a few ideas: 

– Make a heart out of one: Cut a gum wrapper in half so that the adhesive side is facing out. Draw a heart outline with your finger, then cut out the middle. Stick the two halves back together and voila! A heart made from a gum wrapper. 

– Make a flower: Cut a gum wrapper in half so that the adhesive side is facing out. Draw a flower outline with your finger, then cut out the middle. Stick the two halves back together and voila! A flower made from a gum wrapper. 

– Make a superhero shield: Fold up one corner of a gum wrapper to make an 8×8 inch square. Trace the shield image with pencil on top of the folded up corner, then cut out the shape with scissors. Glue or tape the shield to the front of another gum wrapper, making sure to center it correctly. Voila! Your very own superhero shield made from a gum wrapper.

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Salman Ahmad Siddiqui

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