For treating your ED issue, mostly you guys use Cialis Canada. It comes in different dosages and depending upon dosage it’s used in two ways either you use it daily or when it’s needed. Some people get confused about which way they should select for themselves and what is right for them. Read this question till the end to get rid of your confusion.
Do you have sex regularly?
To know which method you should use you should about how constant you should have sex with your partner. If it’s only once a week then go for the tablet when it’s needed. But if you have sex regularly or more than a couple of times a week then you should choose the option of eating the tablet daily. Then you will not need to eat when the time will be ahead.
Do you have planned sex?
I don’t think everyone has planned sex and if you usually have unplanned sex and don’t want to wait and look for the tablet to start working then you should choose a daily dosage. In this way, you will be prepared when the right time comes and you don’t have to wait for the medicine to work.
Are you using other medications?
Some medicines are not meant to be eaten together. Eating those medicine together specially those containing nitrates in it. It can make a reaction in you and it may also risk your life. Don’t use this medicine if you are eating other medicine or before eating it console your doctor first.
How often do you drink alcohol?
First of all alcohol is not good for health but it’s ok to drink small amount if it with the medicine but if you drink it more than 5 units of it then it’s not safe with the medicine. It may lead to orthostatic hypotension in you. As a result your blood pressure with drop significantly and you may faint, have headache,,,,, and feel dizzy. Using Cialis may bring problems for the heavy drinker as it’s hard for them to get rid of alcohol. So the best option for them is to consult with their doctor.
How effective is Cialis for you?
If the medicine is working properly for guys then it’s effective and you can also use it on a daily base. But if you used the tablet of 10mg or 20 mg and even then faced the problem of ED then using daily at a low dosage will not work for you guys.
Did you get any side-effect from Cialis?
Did you use 10mg or 20mg of tablet? And did you get any side effects after using it? If yes then I will say switch to a low dosage and use it daily in this way the severity of those side effects will reduce but they will occur often. In the end, depending upon your tolerability choose which methods you want to choose to eat Cialis Canada.
Cialis Canada the is most sold product which can be used as per need and daily. Using it daily have a variety of benefits and also has some disadvantages. You should ask your body which method it wants to choose. But even then if you are confused ask some questions yourself to find the answer. Like how much sex you have, and how much you drink.
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