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The Many WHYs of Hospital Grade Disinfectants

Cleaning is no longer enough. Recent bouts with infection introduced by the pandemic had many thinking beyond regular cleaning and towards disinfection.

However, not all sanitation agents are equal. The hospital grade disinfectant is formulated to go beyond simple hygiene to ensure that the risk of infection is minimised.

It is a solution for use in areas frequented by people, such as hospitals, restaurants, churches, event places, and even your homes.

Suggested Ways to Use Disinfectants

  1. Use as a regular spray to leave a fresh, clean scent.
  2. Use the solution to wipe benches, cupboards, and other surfaces that come into contact with human hands.
  3. For sanitising your phone and computer gadgets
  4. For disinfecting your door handles
  5. For cleaning your toilet, kitchen, and trash bins

The Value of Disinfection

  • The risk of infection is minimised if not eliminated with regular use of the correct disinfectant. It helps promote good health to the people around you, whether in your home or workplace, because infections cause serious health threats and diminish productivity.
  • Over-the-counter solutions cannot eliminate pathogens like bacteria. Thus, an area like the bathroom or kitchen might appear clean on the surface but emit a foul smell due to unseen bacteria that cling to the surface area.

            The best remedy is to use a hospital grade disinfectant similar to what                                            professional cleaners do.

  • Because the solution comes in liquid form, it can be used in various ways. It can be integrated with your regular cleaning routines.
  • It is proven effective and has become a popular must-have among professional cleaning experts.

Common Care Measure in Using Disinfectants in Your Home

 As a precaution, particularly when you have visitors in your home, it might be best to clean with detergent and water then sanitise using hospital-grade disinfectant especially, countertops, tables, sinks, and even chairs used by visitors.

It is because the goal primarily is to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Although it comes in a concentrated format, you still need to be careful.

  1. Keep the product in its original packaging to bear the label and clear instructions on use. Keep them in areas children can not access.
  2. Use the correct diluting solution or measurements when making a spray bottle. Don’t forget to label the spray and keep it out of children’s reach.
  3. Do not use the solution near children to prevent accidental inhalation or contact with eyes and skin.
  4. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and precautions.

Questions that should be addressed when choosing your disinfectant

  • What kind of pathogens does it kill?
  • Is it affected by hard water?
  • Is it corrosive?
  • Does it cause poisoning by accidental ingestion or close contact with skin?
  • How long is its shelf life after product preparation/dilution?

Not all hospital-grade disinfectant products are created equal. Many disinfectants may provide a health concern, particularly to youngsters, pregnant women, and those who suffer from respiratory disorders.

Some options are less risky than others. So read the labels to understand the choices available better.

When you come into contact with COVID-19, the virus can be spread through the air or by touching surfaces that have recently been sneezed or coughed on before it contacts your eyes, nose, or mouth. Using a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from other people, and washing your hands frequently are the most effective ways to avoid getting sick.

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