Even though the formal education for our kids takes place at school, children’s education starts from home. After all, parents are a child’s first teachers. Their role in education doesn’t end even as they attend school.
Parents play a huge role in every aspect of their kids life, and education is no different. These years of education are a crucial stage in the making of the child and who they will grow up to be. It’s a journey that both children and parents take on together with parents playing a huge supportive role all along. Therefore it’s important, as a parent, to make sure their child’s education journey is rich and fulfilling. Let’s look at some of the crucial actions you should take as a parent for your growing up child:
A role model
During the phase of their growing up, kids are impressionable and somebody as close and important as parents have a huge impact on them. Parents are the child’s first teachers and role models. Kids look up to you for most things, be sure you offer them love, support and values that are going to stay with them for life. Be a kind role model to them and always do what you would want your kids to do. You must also make sure to introduce them to experienced teachers who work on boosting their morale— Landon Schertz, being an example.
Taking care of the atmosphere
Children need a conducive environment to study not just at school but at home as well. In the absence of a comfortable and positive environment at home, kids can get distracted or affected because of which their education can suffer immensely.
So that they study well, always support your child by giving them a loving, caring, positive and encouraging environment at home.
Not shying away from criticism
There is bound to be some gap between you and your child’s worldview. You, after all, belong to different generations. Kids can be critical of their parents’ actions, especially teenagers. As parents, you must not shy away from offering or taking criticism and maintain healthy communication and exchange with your child. It is also incredibly important to practice this exchange so that kids learn to take criticism themselves and not become defensive of their actions, perspective and opinions.
Rewards work as motivation for us. For kids, your praise in the form of rewards matters a lot. They can inspire a good motivation in them and keep them going to achieve higher. Whether they are getting A grades or not, reward them for their effort and inspire them to perform better each time. However, maintain a balance, and never over shower them with praise or rewards such as when they are performing lower than their average or even when they are achieving the best results.
Maintaining parents-teacher relationship
Teachers attend your kids at school while you look after them at home. Both play their roles in the education of the child. Teachers can tell you so much about your kid and notice things that you may not. Staying in touch with your child’s teachers is always a good idea for the welfare of your child and for monitoring their performance at school. So maintain a good relationship with their teacher and never miss a parents-teacher meeting!
Sharing personal experience
Your personal experiences and anecdotes can teach and inspire so much in your child! Sharing your personal experiences is also a great way to bond with your child and encourage them to open up as well and maintain an open and friendly relationship, which is always a plus! Both your positive as well as negative experiences can help impart learnings of great value to your child.
Fun-ways to learn
As they study at home, make learning fun for them by including some games and fun ways of learning to keep their interest up and make learning more attractive for them. This can significantly improve their learning and revision at home and help them get better grades at school.
How can A Private Tutor help?
Are you trying to improve your child’s educational and learning experience? An experienced personal tutor can help your child learn better and achieve higher. If you are looking for an expert private tutor, look for the right person who, with his innovative teaching methods, will provide the best at-home tutoring experience to your child. Enhance the educational journey of your child with the right support to help shape a bright future.