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Use This Section-Wise Approach to Ace Class 9th English Exam

English as a subject is not only a communication tool but lays the foundation for other subjects too. It helps students become part of a global community, without any anxiety or self-consciousness. Also, it broadens the mind; develops emotional skills along with improving the quality of life by increasing opportunities in all segments. English is a universal language and serves as a connecting cord between different parts of the world Hence, the importance of becoming proficient in this language is highly stressed upon, starting from a very young age. 

You also need to be strong in English academically as this subject can easily make or break your overall percentage. Class 9th may not be a board class, but it is no less important. The subjects undergo a significant change in this grade, requiring more effort. On top of that, it lays the foundation for class 10th, so you should utilise it accordingly. Your basics should be clear at this, so you do not face any issues in the coming grades. Also, many competitive exams like NTSE and Olympiad ask questions from class 9th English course. Hence, it is imperative to take class 9th English preparation seriously.

Post the pandemic, CBSE has released a new syllabus for class 9th with some reduction in the course. The course has been reduced by 30% from all sections- reading, writing & grammar, and literature. Now, let us first get you acquainted with the syllabus of class 9th English exam: 

CBSE Prescribes the following books for English:

  • Beehive
  • Moments Supplementary Reader
  • Words & Expressions 

All the students are required to be well-versed with everything provided in these coursebooks, as the exam will be based entirely on them. Other than that, students will be required to do comprehension passages, grammar exercises, and boost their writing skills. The NCERT book is easily available in the market, and online. Just search for NCERT Class 9 English Book PDF. 

 Let’s now move on to the exam pattern. 

Another important thing that you need to understand well is the exam patterns. The class 9th English exam consists of three sections- Reading, Writing Skills with Grammar, and Literature. The weightage of each section is as follows:

  • Reading Skills- 20 Marks 
  • Writing Skills With Grammar- 30 Marks 
  • Literature Textbook and Supplementary Reading Text- 30 Marks 

The remaining 20 marks will be awarded based on the internal assessment. 

One of the best ways of conquering your English exam includes approaching it section-wise. As such, read on to know how you can score highly in each section of the exam. 

Section A- Reading Comprehension (20 marks)

The first section will consist of two unseen passages. 

  • The first passage will be a factual one of 300-350 words with 8 objective types for 8 marks.
  • A Discursive passage of 350-400 words with four short answer type questions will follow next. It will test inference, evaluation, and comprehension.

In order to attain full marks in this section, the strategy you should follow is to skim through the passage in one go. Next, read all the questions carefully. Then, go through the passage once again but time with the intent of finding answers. Read the passage carefully to get the right answer. Read again if you need to. A good practice is to highlight things that you find important during your first read. 

Section B-  Writing Skills and Contextual grammar (30 Marks)

The writing section will give you various choices. Read on: 

In the first question, you will be asked to write an informal letter based on a situation/ or a descriptive paragraph in about 200 words that can be based on cues, both visual and verbal ones. This will fetch you 10 marks.

       The second question will be based on composing a story based on a given outline or cues in about 150-200 words. This question will also be allotted 10 marks. 

The questions in the grammar part will be based on the following topics: 

  1. Tenses 
  2. Modals 
  3.  Use of passive voice 
  4. Subject-verb concord 
  5. Reported speech a. Commands and requests b. Statements c. Questions 
  6. Clauses: a. Noun clauses b. Adverb clauses of condition and time c. Relative clauses
  7. Determiners 
  8. Prepositions 

This section of the exam will be a good opportunity for you to exhibit your creativity and understanding of the subject. The first thing is to get the format right. A good chunk of marks is allotted to the format. Do not repeat your sentences to make your writing longer. Stick to statements and give evidence for it. Write a full proof conclusion at the end. To perform well in the grammar section, it is advised to follow the grammar rules and not what sounds correct. Students usually make mistakes when they fill the blanks based on instincts. 

Section C- Literature (30 Marks)

There will be an internal choice for every question in this section.

The first question will be based on prose or poetry from either of the books. 

The next question will test the student’s knowledge of the theme and comprehension, The questions will be based on chapters covered in BEEHIVE and MOMENTS. The word limit should be 30-40 words. 

The next two questions will be long answer type questions to assess your knowledge of the theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation beyond the text and inference or character sketch. 

To outdo yourself in this section, it is important to read the text carefully. Reading the summaries will just give you an overview and will not be fruitful. Provide a critical analysis in your answers to gain more marks. Analytical questions cannot be answered by studying just the night before the exam. Take time to go through the text, read about characters and find hidden meanings.

Along with that, poetry should be given extra importance. Familiarize yourself with literary terms along with figures of speech. Having a thorough knowledge of these will give you an edge over others. Before answering these, go through the sample questions before the exam and familiarize yourself with the format you have to follow. 

Follow the above-mentioned guidelines, in addition to following a set timetable every day to achieve expertise in this subject. Follow a section-wise approach to target questions, and you will be good to go!

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