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Home Improvement

4-Point Inspections: 5 Frequently Asked Questions

Getting a 4-point inspection ensures the HVAC, electrical system, plumbing, and roofing in your property are all up to code and can be insured. However, many people have questions about this process that they’d like answered before they schedule their inspection. We’d like to help you with that, so below, we’ve covered many of the questions you may have about 4-point inspections.

4-Point Inspections: 5 Frequently Asked Questions

1. When Should I Get a 4-Point Inspection?

There are three main situations where 4 point inspections are required:

  • When you wish to purchase an older dwelling
  • When you’re seeking better insurance rates
  • When you’re renewing your homeowner’s insurance

You should note that insurance companies won’t always ask you to get an inspection. However, showing the insurance company the results of a recent inspection can lead to you getting better rates. Your inspection can end up paying for itself in the long run.

2. Can I Get a 4-Point Inspection Instead of a Full Inspection?

Unfortunately, you can’t use a 4-point inspection as a substitute for a full inspection. Ideally, you’ll get both. Having your home fully inspected will provide you with a report full of information that can help you make your decision when you’re buying a property. However, a 4-point inspection provides you with a report full of information that insurance companies want to see when contemplating whether or not they’ll give you homeowner’s insurance.

3. Should I Be There During the Inspection?

While you should be there for a home inspection, you don’t need to be there for a 4-point inspection. However, it may be beneficial for you to be present if you have the time. You’ll learn about elements of your home that you otherwise would know nothing about, and this can be beneficial in the future. It will also help you negotiate with insurance companies, as you’ll prove you know what you’re talking about regarding the results of your inspection.

4. Can I Fail the Inspection?

You can technically fail the inspection, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fix the elements that will disqualify you from obtaining homeowner’s insurance if you want the home you’re looking at.
If the inspection reveals you have a lack of central air, faulty wiring, old roofing, or certain types of electrical panels, then an insurance company might decide not to insure you based on these factors. Three of these elements can be repaired, however. Meanwhile, different insurers may not mind the electrical panels your potential home has.

5. Is There Anything I Should Fix Before My Inspection?

If you want to give yourself the best possible chance of passing your 4-point inspection on a house you already own, consider fixing the following:

  • A leaky roof
  • A roof that hasn’t been replaced in 15 years
  • Electrical panels with circuit breakers, amateur wiring, or screwing fuses
  • Live knob and tube wiring
  • Exposed wiring
  • Lack of heating system
  • Damaged pipes
  • A water heater over 25 years old

Anyone purchasing an older home or trying to renew their policy for an older home should get a 4-point inspection before starting negotiations with the insurance company. Be aware that if you “fail” the inspection, you can always fix the issues if you own the home, or try another company if you don’t.

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