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Who Is Liable for Motorcycle Accidents in Florida?

Automotive accidents account for nearly 50,000 deaths annually, a figure that has been consistently increasing for the past few decades. Motorcycles are a major contributor to this number due to their relatively little protection for the rider and their predisposition to incur more damage in traffic accidents.

According to official statistics, Florida is one of the most dangerous states in the United States for motorcycle riders. In 2020, there were more than 8,000 motorcycle accidents in Florida, resulting in more than 500 deaths and nearly 2,000 incapacitating injuries.

If you or your loved one got injured in a motorcycle crash in Florida, you might be able to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver to obtain compensation for your damages. Consulting an experienced traffic accident lawyer is essential to ensure that your legal rights will remain protected, and you will receive fair compensation for your losses.


Why Are Motorcycle Crashes Dangerous?

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most dangerous automotive accidents in the world. Much of the danger can be attributed to the fact that these vehicles do not protect their riders. A motorcyclist is at constant risk of acquiring serious physical injury because of a seemingly minor accident. Due to increased exposure to vehicular insults, motorcycle riders can acquire fatal injuries in crashes, especially if they are not wearing any protective gear like a helmet. 

Even a minor motorcycle crash might result in bone fractures, traumatic brain injury (TBI), fatal bleeding, lacerations, contusions, spinal cord injury, and death. If you manage to survive the accident, you might have to face a long and complicated path to recovery, one that can drain you physically, emotionally, and financially. The medical bills can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars with or without insurance and paying them off on your own can be nearly impossible.

Determining Liability in Motorcycle Crashes

Every driver on the road has a legal and moral responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and make the road a safe place to drive by following all traffic regulations. No matter the type of vehicle, you owe this duty of care to every driver and passenger on the road. If you violate this duty of care, it can result in serious physical injury and the death of another individual.

Determining Liability in Motorcycle Crashes
Image Source: Pixabay

You can be held liable for this violation through a civil lawsuit. To obtain compensation for your injury, you must prove that the other driver behaved negligently and caused the accident. You must also prove any damages that resulted from this accident and present sufficient evidence in a court of law to support your legal claim. Having expert legal representation can make all the difference when it comes to civil cases like motorcycle crash lawsuits.


If you were injured in a motorcycle crash due to another driver’s negligence, you can file a lawsuit against them to obtain fair financial compensation for your losses. Once you receive the required medical attention you need, reach out to legal services.

Consulting a competent attorney is one of the most important steps to take immediately after your accident. Your lawyer will compile all the necessary evidence and file a lawsuit to get you the justice you deserve. Your accidents should always be taken seriously.

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