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Access to Automation in Logistics for Small Companies: Barriers, Challenges, Solutions 

Logistics is a complicated term that describes a complicated process. It’s a big mistake to think that logistics is only about transportation from one place to another. Actually, it encompasses dozens of processes – from planning and analyzing to monitoring and responding to emergencies. 

Automation is able to make logistics more comfortable and effective. The use of innovative technologies such as bots or robots minimizes the possibility of human mistakes and allows to complete even the most boring repetitive tasks without great effort. Many logistics companies have already implemented the elements of automation in their operations. They can’t but appreciate the following perks they get:

  • Faster speed of work.

The main goal of automation is to speed up transportation. Nowadays it’s important to deliver freight as fast as possible in order to stay afloat and compete with rivals. Robots are able to cope with lots of repetitive tasks in no time. Workers can devote more time to more essential tasks.      

  • Significantly fewer errors.  

Humans tend to make mistakes. In logistics, it may lead to catastrophic consequences. Even the smallest mistakes often cause financial losses. The wrongly provided addresses are the main reason for increasing total operational costs and losing clients.  

  • Services of better quality. 

Any innovations aim at improving the quality of services. Automation is not an exception. The freight forwarders are able to complete more tasks within the same period of time without affecting their quality.    

  • The possibility to meet the expectation of a wider range of companies.

There are various companies that deal with different types of cargo. It’s clear every type of freight has its own peculiarities when it comes to transportation. Automation makes it possible to find the best forwarders faster.  

Yet, alongside copious advantages, automation in logistics has one significant drawback. It’s a rather experience thing. For large concerns, it’s quite affordable to implement automation elements in logistics. They can hire corresponding freight forwarders. The question is whether small companies can benefit from automation in logistics. The short answer is yes. The long answer is below.

Automation is not only about robots. You can just use special software or applications to get perks.

Small companies should not purchase all available robots. It’s enough to start with a couple of applications. For instance, online document processing is a service every shipper can’t but appreciate. 

The next important aspect is the possibility to define what options are needed and which ones can be eliminated. For instance, if you are not sure that white glove service logistics is exactly what you need, you can install a special app, input information about your cargo and requirements, and in a couple of minutes, the program will provide you with the right answer. To sum it up, it’s worth mentioning that every shipping forwarding company has its own peculiarities. When looking for an ideal logistics company for the very for your business, you have to consider all the details. Automation is an important aspect you have to keep in mind but it should not be decisive.

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