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Allegedly, the hacker Lapsus$ disclosed Microsoft’s 37GB source code including Bing and Cortana projects

According to reports, a hacker group leaked 37GB of Microsoft source code related to hundreds of projects, including Bing and Cortana, the latest in a string of major network security incidents. On Monday night, Lapsus $hackers released a 9GB compressed file. According to reports, the 7zip file contains more than 250 internal Microsoft projects.

The data is said to have come from Microsoft’s Azure Devops server. Bleeping computer saw the screenshot of the telegraph channel released by the organization on Sunday. The source code in these projects spans a number of high-profile and internal projects, including code for Bing search, Bing maps, and the Cortana voice assistant.

According to security researchers, the uncompressed 37G byte set contains Microsoft source code, as well as e-mail and file records designed for Microsoft engineers to publish applications.

These codes, however, do not appear to be applicable to locally installed desktop software such as Windows or Microsoft Office. It is primarily made up of infrastructure, website code, and mobile application code.

Microsoft stated that it had comprehended the organization’s claims and was actively investigating the alleged invasion and leakage.

This large-scale data leak is the most recent occurrence of lapsus $. By acquiring and disseminating a large amount of data from large technology companies, the organization “acquired fame” in a short period of time. In early March, 190GB of data was leaked from Samsung, and other attacks were launched against Mercado Libre, NVIDIA, Ubisoft, and Vodafone.

Threats from cyber attacks have increased in recent years. Extortion software has increased by 232 percent since 2019, according to the SonicWALL 2022 cyber threat report. The common goal of cloud service providers and enterprise users is to ensure data and application security in the cloud environment. Enterprise data should be protected, especially virtual machine backup should be emphasized.

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