The dragon tree, also known as Dracaena Marginata, is a popular houseplant with spiky green foliage with variegated crimson margins. The “Madagascar dragon tree” is a popular name for the dragon tree, which is endemic to Madagascar. Outside in warm areas, dragon trees may reach a height of 20 feet. Climate dragon trees are important staple plants that are moderate and don’t take a huge amount of watering.
When to Grow a Dragon Tree
If you don’t live in a naturally hot and humid area, dragon trees should be grown inside. Defining zones 10 to 12 are ideal for them. If you live in a hot climate, you may leave them outside throughout the summer, but bring them indoors when the temperature falls under 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
How to Grow a Dragon Tree
The simplest approach to growing new dragon tree plants is to propagate them from stem cuttings. The following is a step-by-step guide on planting a dragon tree using cuttings taken from another tree.
- Prepare your cuts. Cut an eight-inch-long section of dragon tree stem from the tree. When the tree is in full bloom, make your cut in the spring or summer.
- Place your clippings in a bowl of water. Submerge the stem in a glass of water, making sure none of the bottom leaves come into contact with the water. To avoid the growth of germs and fungus, change your water twice a week. It is ready to be potted when roots begin to emerge.
- Make your soil ready. Loamy, well-draining soil is ideal for dragon trees. Choose a potting mix that is appropriate for this soil type, and soften it up before planting to ensure that it drains effectively. Gravel can also be added to the mix to aid drainage and avoid root rot.
- Select a container. Fill a medium-sized pot halfway with the dirt you’ve prepared. You may need to re-pot the plant as it grows larger to accommodate its expanding roots. Make sure the container isn’t exposed to too much direct sunshine since this might cause your plant to dry up.
- Place your slice in the ground. Plant your stem cutting in the container with the potting soil you’ve prepared. Water right away, and then keeps an eye on the first few inches of soil for signs of dryness. Keep the leaves slightly wet to the touch until your dragon tree feels solid in its soil. Once your plant is established, you can reduce your watering to every three weeks.
Care Tips for a Dragon Tree
Dragon plants are low-maintenance and fast-growing trees. They may reach a height of six to twenty feet with proper care. Here are some helpful hints for caring for your dragon tree species.
- Keep an eye out for bugs and fading foliage. Keep an eye out for symptoms of waterlogging (brown tips on the leaves), underwatering (yellow leaves), and other problems with your plant. Mealybugs and thread mites are common pests on dragon trees, so keep an eye out for them.
- Use caution when watering your dragon tree. Your dragon tree would only need to be irrigated every three weeks or so once it has established itself. Dragon trees will demand less frequent watering in the fall and winter, so adapt your watering plan appropriately.
- Pruning your dragon tree is a good idea. Although dracaena trees do not require much trimming, you have complete control over the height and size of your plant. To attain your desired height, cut away the main stems at 45-degree angles, and new leaves should appear in two months.
Keep an eye on the amount of light they are exposed to. Although dragon trees can adapt to low light, they prefer bright, indirect light. If your plant’s leaves start to wilt, try moving it to a new light source.
Dogs and cats are poisoned by dragon trees. If your pet eats dragon plants, they may experience tiredness, weakness, vomiting, face swelling, and other symptoms. If you have pets, avoid keeping a dragon tree in a location where they may devour it.