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Going Axe Throwing? Here’s What You Can Expect

Axe throwing is a sport that has become very popular lately. People of a variety of ages and skill and experience levels are giving it a try. As a recreational sport, axe throwing can be a lot of fun, not to mention a great way to socialize. Plus, it’s fairly simple. Participants pick up an axe and throw it at a target.

Of course, some players will have more success than others, but everyone is sure to have an awesome time. To ensure your first experience is a great one, choose a quality axe throwing facility that values safety. From there, get prepared and know what to expect so there are no unwanted surprises.

Ask About the Facility’s Pairing Policies

Each axe throwing facility will have its own policies and rules. To know what to expect with axe throwing, don’t be afraid to ask questions or get clarification on policies. For example, many people want to throw only with their own friends or people they bring with them. However, with axe throwing growing so popular, some facilities get busy and will combine groups at their discretion.

Axe Throwing

If this makes you uncomfortable, ask if a facility combines groups. The best ones will not. They will give axe throwing groups their own lanes, just like a bowling alley. No matter what, everyone deserves to know what will happen and how the process will work once they arrive.

Choose A Good, Sharp Axe

At many facilities, participants can choose their own axes from a wide selection. Make sure to choose the right axe for you. In general, a good axe will be somewhat heavy, but not so heavy that it drains energy or causes pain when throwing. Remember, it’s okay to switch after a throw or two, especially as a beginner. So, don’t be afraid to try different axe options.

The right axe will also be very sharp since this allows it to stick into the target more easily. If you notice any rough edges, choose a different axe. A sharp axe will typically be smooth to the touch.

Finally, if you’re planning on bringing your own axe, inquire ahead. Some facilities do not allow outside axes. Keep in mind, too, that there’s no reason to buy or borrow an axe until you have decided to take the sport seriously.

Understand The Scoring System Being Used

Axe throwing might seem like a very simple sport. In some ways, it is. However, it’s not always played in exactly the same way. There are different scoring methods that can vary from game to game.

For best results, understand the scoring system being used. The more you know and understand, the easier it is to develop a winning mindset and excel at the game. Of course, winning isn’t everything. Players should do all they can to understand the rules of the game and do their best. But, aside from that, they should just have fun.

Axe throwing is a wonderful sport. Enjoy it to the fullest by preparing and researching ahead of time. With just a little planning, everyone can have a great time, relieve a little stress, and get in some exercise.

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