Importance of water heater:
Winters can be really hard to endure without warm water particularly in countries with severe and long winters during which temperature goes below the freezing point. During ancient times when there is no concept of water heaters, water was simply heated on the stove or in big pots and shifted into buckets for use. Moreover, they had a system of communal heated baths that fulfil the requirement for warm water. Luckily, we are in an era where we have a water heater. Now we don’t have to wait for the warm water it’s just one tap away. Water heaters just make our easy and comfortable. There are a lot of issues associated with water heaters and they require repair and maintenance more often than not.
How to repair the water heater?
The water heater has a relatively complex working system and a proper expert can only find and fix the issues in it. If you’re looking for reliable water heater services near you then you can try water heater repair in Scottsdale AZ. Here are some common issues in water heaters with their solution.
No hot water:
Unable to produce hot water is a common issue and there can be multiple reasons behind that. One of them is it maybe not get adequate power, may have tripped limit switch or failure of one or more heating elements. The first thing to do in this type of issue is to check the circuit breaker of the water heater located in the service panel to make sure it hasn’t tripped. If it’s tripped, switch it off and then switch it back on. However, if the breaker didn’t get tripped but was in on mode then try to reset the high-temperature limit on the heater. Here is how to reset the high-temperature range.
- Turn off the breaker of the water heater in the service panel.
- Remove the access panel for the upper heating element on the water heater
- Remove the plastic safety guard and remove the insulation carefully, make sure to not touch any wires or electrical terminals.
- Press the high-temperature cutoff reset button located above the upper thermostat
- Replace the safety guard, access panel, and insulation
- Turn on the circuit breaker of the heater.
- If the problem is still doesn’t get solved then test each heating element and replace it if needed.
Inadequate supply of hot water:
If your water heater is producing hot water but less than the demand then it might be too small to meet the demand.
How to fix it?
Normally a water heater should produce 75% of its capacity of hot water. For example, a water heater with a capacity of 40-gallon water will be properly sized for 30 gallons. If the demand is too high for the heater try to limit the duration of showers, install low-flow showerheads. Spread out dishwashing and laundry to different times of the day rather than doing them simultaneously.
If your unit is undersized or it suddenly started to produce less quality water then that might be due to the failure of one or both heating elements. Running out of water quickly during the shower is an indication of a defect in the lower heating element.
Too high temperature of water:
Too hot water can be as frustrating as not enough hot water. This problem might be due to the setting of one or both thermostats of a heater at too high a temperature. Here are points to check the thermostat setting.
- Turn off the power of the water heater from the service panel.
- Remove the plastic safety guard, insulation, and access panel from each heating system without touching any wires or electrical terminals.
- Test the wires to confirm that power is off by using a non-contact voltage tester.
- Check the heat setting on both thermostats. It should be at the same temperature. The temperature recommended by most water heating repair services is between 115-125oC.
- Adjust the temperature to the desired temperature using a flathead screwdriver.
- Replace everything removed before correction such as insulation, access panel, and safety guard for each element
- Turn on the circuit breaker of the heater.
Water leakage:
Water leaks are mostly associated with leaking valves and issues in plumbing connections. They can also be related to tank problems. Leaking water can cause significant damage to homes so it’s important to fix this as soon as possible.
How to fix it?
Leakage from water heater tanks can be due to lose heating elements or corrosion in the tank. Inspect the elements if they are losing and tighten them with an element wrench. A corroded tank cannot be repaired it must be replaced. Turn off the power and water supply to the water heater and drain the tank completely to stop leakage.
Rusty colored water and bad odor:
Rusty water is a clear indication of corrosion in your water tanks or the pipes of your home. If the water coming out smells like rotten eggs, then bacteria might be present in the hot water tank. You might require the replacement of an anode rod in the tank which can’t be done without the help of a professional plumber. these are the most common issues in the water heater, hopefully, next time anything happens it can be sorted easily.