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How to job hunt successfully, even if you’re on lockdown

The pandemic has also dealt a significant blow to the labor market. Unemployment is on the rise. Experts predict a worsening economic situation. How to get a job during a pandemic?

The easiest to find work during the period of continuous lockdowns  for programmers, system administrators and other people of the computer world, as well as employees of service companies and online stores.

The number of jobseekers’ resumes on job portals did not change in March, but vacancies decreased significantly. Companies forced to reduce or suspend their business, do not hire new people, they would have to support their employees.

At the same time, it is still easy to find a job for IT specialists. It was IT companies that turned out to be the most ready for remote work for a significant part of their employees. If for the transfer of business processes to a remote mode, most organizations need at least a week – to work out the technologies of interaction of a distributed team, to debug server capacities, then in the IT industry this format has been actively used before, in most cases the transformation did not require significant additional efforts and investments. And, in addition, the massive transition to virtual work of companies in other sectors of the economy brought a lot of orders for IT companies.

It is unlikely that couriers and drivers will be left without work in the near future. Due to the quarantine, food delivery companies are expanding their activities.

Portals with a list of online services for living “remotely” are being massively launched in the whole world.

It is relatively easy now to get a job in grocery retail, logistics, pharmaceuticals. The sudden school holidays have increased the demand for nannies and tutoring services.

The need for blue-collar occupations, primarily builders, remains at the same level.

Shocks are akin to the current quarantine measures that always lead to a very serious transformation of the economy, some professions lose their relevance and become a thing of the past, while others, on the contrary, are emerging or gaining new opportunities.

Since the beginning of March, the number of both vacancies and resumes related to remote work has tripled. And this is no coincidence. According to estimates of job search services, about a quarter of companies in large cities have already sent everyone they could to work from home. They simply have no reason to take a new employee to the office – there will simply be no one to deal with him there.

At the same time, managers, HR managers, accountants, production personnel continue to go to work – their physical presence is absolutely necessary.

Another trend is that the number of searches marked “work near home” has increased significantly.

Finding a new job at any time is a difficult and energy-consuming task that requires not only high-quality preparation of all the necessary materials (resume, cover letters), but also the correct psychological attitude, positive thinking, a formed dream about the desired position, company, and income level.

Work in connection with the coronavirus has become a luxury for many today. In connection with the regime of self-isolation, many were left without sources of income. But, even in such a situation, you should not give up a new job, at least as a temporary part-time job. If you wish, you can find a good place.

Before you start searching, you need to pay special attention to your resume, do not wnload information from your LinkedIn profile. Better make a clear and understandable description of your experience.

Make sure your resume contains only up-to-date information, key projects, and no cliché phrases like “experienced PC user”.

Your dream job may not be where you thought it would be. It might be worth expanding the list of positions you are applying for by looking at related areas. You need to consider vacancies based on responsibilities, and not on the title of the position. This way, you will definitely not miss out on the work that suits you.

Nowadays, medical personnel, couriers, drivers and operators are in particular demand. When the quarantine is over, it will be easier to look for a job.

Find your remote work on Jooble.

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