It’s time to plaster your stud wall. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for nailing boards onto a stud wall. Wallboards can be installed in any direction, while ceiling boards are usually installed perpendicular to the supporting frame.
Laying large wall boards horizontally over vast areas, on the other hand, comes with a number of advantages. Larger boards may be more easily supported along one long side as you go up to row by row.
The following are the tools you’ll need to cut and repair your plasterboard:
Tape measure – Pencil – Retractable knife – Impact driver or drywall gun – Impact-Drivers – Drywall Screws – Spirit level – Surform.
As a rule, position your plasterboard to the edge of the board is in the centre of your studwork. If you are boarding up to door frames or the edge of the wall, you should push the boards tight to the edges.
- When measuring for a cut board, start at the door’s edge and work your way toward the room’s farthest wall. Start from the doorway and go towards the back of the room.
- Use a good spirit level or straight edge and place it on the markings you made to ensure the board is flat. Use the knife to score a line along with the intended cut. Then stand the board up and give it a tap so the cut folds over itself before cutting through the remaining paper with your knife. You should have a clean, finished edge. If your cut is slightly off you may use your surform to smooth out the entire length.
- Use a level to ensure that the centre mark of the studs is at the ceiling and floor level, or draw lines around your boards at set centres before putting the board against the wall.
- Once you’ve decided on a board location, drive a few screws into the board to keep it in place. Take your spirit level or straight edge and make lines down the plasterboard at the centre of the studs; this will help you attach the plasterboard without hitting any metal studs behind it.
- You may now nail the boards in place utilising a 150-200mm gap along the guide lines you drew. If they go too far, you will crush the board. If this happens, you won’t be able to get a solid fixing to the studwork; therefore, don’t knock them in too deeply. To reduce surface damage, use a drywall screw setter.
- With wood filler, fill the gaps between the boards. Maintain the factory edges of the remaining pieces by fitting them in the same manner, avoiding unnecessary filling during your project. The simplest method to cut a board that extends into an opening, such as a window or door frame, is in place. Make a horizontal incision before splitting the wood vertically using the studwork as a guide. Clean up rough edges using your surform.
You’ve come this far; it’s now time for the next stage of your project!