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How to prepare for class 12 boards from the start of class 11?

The stream of commerce is new to every student in class 11, unlike Science or Humanities, where they have some familiarity. Of the subjects offered, Accountancy is known as a tough and tedious one to crack. Accountancy is the complicated processing of financial and non-financial information about economic commodities, which makes it even more important to study precisely and has no room for error when it comes to calculation and tabulation. The students have to make an effort to practice and understand the various methods that are followed in this subject. There are a huge amount of new concepts introduced to the students in class 11 and they need to make constant efforts to study to keep up. Students need to keep up with everything taught in the classroom and always ask doubts. Asking doubts and interacting in the classroom is an important part of the learning process for the students. Students need to study thoroughly as the concepts learned in class 11 will be of use in class 12 as well. This is important for the students who are planning to score well in class 12 accounting. The studying of accounting will have to be something constant for them in the two years ahead of them. This article will be of help for the students to understand what they will have to do to score well in the board examinations.

NCERT Textbooks

NCERT textbooks are the most trustworthy material for any given subject. NCERT is loved both by the teachers and the students alike. The students need not refer to any other material for building their basics. Using the provided textbook is the best way for the students to understand and grasp the fundamentals strongly. Building the fundamentals is an important step for the students as they are building it for two years, maybe even more, ahead of them. So this step is important. They have a huge amount of problems in the textbook to solve and this will give them the necessary practice. They need to practice a huge number of problems for the type of questions given in the textbook are of the essence. Even the question papers are set with the help of NCERT textbooks. This is something that the students need to note. They can opt for reference materials and more questions after they are done with NCERT textbook concepts and questions. This will help the students to build upon their foundation strongly with trickier and tougher questions. 

Online Resources and Reference Materials

Commerce DK Goel Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Ch 11 can be helpful for the students to understand the types of material they can find online. Chapter 11 of Accountancy, which deals with books of original entry, includes many accounting timely entries. The economic activities are often informed and then written down in a general ledger. The aim of this topic is to educate the students about the usage of the book of entry in commercial companies, providing complex and high-quality theoretical concepts. This is an important concept for the students and the given resource will be of help for them to score well. Students can study up more concepts at this resource when they need to. They can find satisfying solutions for all their other chapters as well. This is important for the students as they can read up the different methods in which questions can be solved and also figure out ways in which they can improve themselves. Solving questions helps the students to get a good amount of practice and also to understand the various types of questions that might come in their examination.

Sample papers and previous year questions

Students can solve sample papers and evaluate themselves. This will help them to develop their skills and also to make sure that they do not let some topics slow them down. This can be done with the help of timing how long they take for questions. Solving with a timer is important as the students will be able to improve their pace. This is much needed for the students as they will have bulky questions in the examinations, a number of them. They will need to be as fast as they can. This way, they can finish the paper, and if time permits, can correct the errors in their calculation, or find something that they might have missed. This is of the essence for them to score well. Previous year question papers let the students in on the secret of which of the questions are the important ones and which of them repeat every year. This can be of help for them as they can make sure that they clear these topics thoroughly. 


Students have the time they need, all they have to do is prepare slowly and stay their mental and physical best. Staying mentally and physically healthy goes hand in hand. They need to take breaks between their study sessions and go for walks, exercise or even exercise their brains with puzzles or brain games. They must give themselves time, every day, to exercise and stay fit. This will get their blood running and make the studying process easier.


This article will be of help to students who are figuring out how to get better at the subject of Accountancy. By following the steps given above, students can help themselves to develop a habit of studying and also stay disciplined with that. Accountancy is an important subject in the stream of commerce and they need to focus on getting better at it. Perseverance and discipline will take the students a long way, both in accountancy and in life.

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