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How to Super Power Your Google Reviews

If you’re like most business owners, you know that online reviews are important. They can make or break your business.

Furthermore, with the internet making it increasingly difficult to keep up with the constant, never-ending stream of online reviews and ratings, it’s more important than ever to make sure your business is doing everything possible to superpower its Google review presence.

But what does that mean? And how can you be sure you’re doing everything possible?

In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for super powering your Google review presence. But first, let’s take a look at why they’re so important.

Why Are Reviews Important?

Why are reviews important in the first place? According to Search Engine Journal, “82 percent of consumers read online reviews for local businesses.”

Reviews are also incredibly important on Google because most consumers go there when they have a question or need a solution. In fact, according to Marketing Land, 50% of mobile searchers are using Google to find information on nearby businesses.

Because of this, it’s important for your business to appear in the top rankings on Google so that if someone is looking for you they can find you quickly and easily.

Let’s take a look at some numbers…

Reviews also allow your customers to feel like an insider, which leads to greater trust. And, as Forbes points out, “highly-rated businesses enjoy a 46% boost in website traffic from Google Search.”

While it’s clear that having online reviews can help your business grow, it’s also important to consider what happens when you don’t have them. According to Search Engine Journal, “73 percent of consumers will take action when they see a negative review,” which includes writing poor reviews about your business.

While you might think having positive reviews can counteract any negative ones, it’s important to remember that Google uses an algorithm called the “sandwich effect” where it puts negative reviews higher in search results to encourage consumers to leave negative reviews.

With both positive and negative reviews being so important, how can you superpower your Google review presence? Here are a few tips:

Tips On How To Super Power Your Google Reviews

If you’re wondering how to best maximize the chances that people will find you through their internet research, a good place to start is by understanding the best ways to get more reviews. Here are a few ideas:

1. Make it easy for people who have purchased from you in the past to leave a review

This is one of the most effective things you can do for your Google review presence. It’s important that potential customers can easily find your Google business listing, and the easiest way to do that is by having a certain number of reviews.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to give customers who have purchased from you before an easy way to leave a review. You can do this by:

  • Having a dedicated email for people who want to leave feedback
  • Having a link on your website that takes them to the review section of Google or Yelp
  • Having a sticky note attached to their purchase with instructions on where to write a review online
  • Send email notification for each new review you receive

Having an email list can be an extremely helpful way for you to stay up-to-date on any new reviews your business receives. This gives you the opportunity to quickly respond, show appreciation, and take necessary action if necessary.

To make sure you know about all your reviews, try contacting review sites directly or signing up with ReviewTrackers which will send you updates whenever someone leaves commentary for your business.

2. Respond To All Quickly And Thoroughly

The quickest way to lose a customer’s trust is by not responding to their concerns. This can be true for online reviews as well, especially if the reviewer felt ignored after leaving their review.

In order to keep people from writing negative reviews about you, it’s important that you respond quickly and thoroughly to any feedback they leave about your business.

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One of the best ways you can do this is with an autoresponder email or template that automatically sends a message in response to customers who write reviews on your website.

3. Reach Out To People Who Left Positive Reviews

Positive reviews are extremely important and doing anything and everything possible to maintain those is key!

Here are some things you can do:

  • Leave them a public thank you on their own profile or business page (especially if they’re well-known)
  • Send an email thanking them for their kind remarks and offer any help you can provide. Be sure to include a link so they can edit their review and add anything more appropriate
  • Try reaching out to other reviewers who have similar interests and try to convince them to leave a positive review as well

For those of your clients that haven’t left reviews, ask them directly!

Creating contests between employees may encourage the desired behavior.

4. Ask For Reviews Anytime You Can

As much as we hate to admit it, every business is in competition with other businesses.

This means that when you leave a review for someone, they might ask how it was and whether or not you’d be willing to write one for them! This can be difficult because it can feel like your committing to leaving reviews for every person who asks. But there are ways around this issue.

For example, if someone asks how their food was during a meal out together, simply respond by saying “I’m bad at remembering things…I would love to write a review on Yelp telling everyone about our experience! What should I say? Do you have an account?”

By replying in the affirmative, then sharing your Yelp profile to get approval before you leave the review, you will avoid feeling obligated to leave one.

5. Think About The Way That Google Reviews Can Affect Your Online Presence

Every decision made by consumers is heavily influenced by online reviews, so it’s important that your business maintains a healthy presence on all popular review sites.

This can be difficult when you aren’t entirely sure how to go about this process, but if done correctly it can have a big impact on the amount of traffic your website gets!

Final words

Using these strategies, you can superpower your online presence and maintain a strong digital presence and seo in Victoria BC.

If done correctly, this can have a big impact on the amount of traffic your website gets! If done incorrectly, you could ruin the reputation of your business even more than it already has been by having poor reviews left by previous clients or customers due to a lack of interest.

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