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Indoor vs Outdoor Exercise Which is more beneficial

Exercising has always been one of the most profound and effective ways to maintain good health. Along with a proper diet and optimum hydration, daily physical activity of 30 minutes is known to work wonders in keeping you active throughout the day. 

While we know exercising daily has its own benefits, different kinds of physical activity impacts our health in different ways. Indoor and outdoor exercises take the lead here. 

While we can say a balance of both indoor and outdoor physical activity is necessary, the notion that which is more beneficial is still under works. Different activities have their own benefits like alleviating muscle cramps, keeping healthy metabolism, building immunity etc. 

This article is an insight into which kind of exercise might be more beneficial for you, what are the pros and cons and how differences in your environment affects your workout quality and your mental and physical health. 

Exercising Indoors: Pros And Cons

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk of indoor exercising in gyms. The trend on gymming has skyrocketed at its level best within the recent years. Apart from that, people are also equally indulged in exercises that can be easily performed inside their home comfort. 

Here are some quick pros and cons of indoor exercises that you must know –


Feasible environment

When you do indoor workouts, you really don’t have to worry about the weather. BE it snow, rain, scorching heat or chilling winters, an indoor workout is seemingly possible in every situation. This way, you don’t have to skip or deviate your workout routine every now and then.

Group sessions

According to research, group exercise programmes serve to teach accountability while also providing a safe and effective workout for participants. Yoga, Zumba, and kickboxing sessions may appeal to those who prefer not to run or walk outside. With group exercises, the major advantage is the zeal to learn and stay motivated to do better each day. 

Personal training

If you are a gym freak, you might have come across personal training sessions. Infact, many people prefer personal training over working out on their own. Personal trainers listen to your needs and then recommend exercises that will help you achieve your objective, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or simply maintaining your health and fitness. 


High cost

No two ways in the notion that if you workout indoors with all the equipment or in a more extended sense, say in a gym, you have to lose your pocket to extremes. The monthly and annual memberships of gyms soar very high depending upon the type of workout routine you choose. 

Unavoidable distractions

Indoor exercise will definitely keep you away from distractions of the outer world but in reality, you won’t really be away from the distractions of your own home. Things like the television, pets, children, email, and the telephone may put a curb on your workout routine. 

Exercising Outdoors: Pros And Cons


Being with nature

Being amidst the lush green surroundings anyday feels like a bliss and working out with nature’s view is an excellent way to remain active and energized the whole day. If you prefer to workout indoors, a jog outside will provide a refreshing change of pace.Try exercising around different environments everyday and you will never get bored of your routine. 

Optimum Vit. D intake

Sunlight is an excellent source of Vitamin D. Exercising outside exposes you to the sun, which provides vitamin D. This vitamin is required for calcium absorption and good bone formation. THus, you are getting optimum amounts of Vit D if you are engaging yourself in outdoor workouts.

Connection of mind, body and soul

With outdoor physical activity, your mind, body and soul comes into conjugation which brings about a profoundly significant impact on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This makes way to a healthy physical and mental health which keeps you away from infections and illness. 

Working out for free

Outdoor physical activity means literally no charge for any workout session! You don’t need to invest hefty amounts and you can start off with any activity you prefer be it jogging, cycling, or any other kind of exercise.


The weather extremes

If you are working outdoors, you might disturb your routine due to unexpected weather situations like snow, rainfall, chills or extreme heat. If you want to exercise outside, you must be prepared for every type of weather. 

Exposure to allergen and pollution

Outdoor physical activity calls for exposure to allergens and pollution, especially if you live in a city where there is a regular hustle bustle of city life. THus, you need to find a place which is free of all these external agents or limit your workout sessions.

Which Is More Beneficial : Indoor Or Outdoor Exercise?

When it comes to choosing between indoor and outdoor exercise, you need to find the right balance. There is no exercise superior to one another. Pre, during and post workout drinks, a healthy diet and proper rest all together along with proper physical activity is a booster package for your overall health.

Your fitness goals and your workout routine should align with the type of exercise you do, be it indoors or outdoors. It is advised to switch between workout routines and types of exercises to break the monotony of the everyday routine.

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