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Planning an Off-Road Motorcycle Trip

A motorcycle road trip is relatively straightforward; you are generally familiar with the smooth bitumen roads you will encounter and the conditions your bike will face.

In contrast, Off-roading, which involves riding on unpredictable paths such as mountains, desert paths, and hills, has a significantly greater number of variables. It is done on gravel, sand, snow, mud, rock, grassland, and other natural terrains, which can be difficult for you and your equipment. 

Off-roading will not only determine the type of bike you will use, but also how you plan your trip. This article will highlight tips to help you plan your off-road motorcycle trip.


Tips on Planning a Road-trailing Trip

Are you ready to embark on an off-road adventure on your motorcycle? Consider the following points:

Choose the Right Motorcycle

Since you are riding, the first thing you need for this adventure is a motorbike. When going off-roading, the most appropriate motorbike is a dirt bike, also called an off-roading bike. The reason for this is not far-fetched. 

Dirt bikes have lower power and speed, better suspension, engine, transmission, and so on for trail riding. Trails are generally rough, unlike the road; hence, you can’t take a regular motorcycle for such an adventure.

Wear the Right Gear

Getting the correct sports gear to ride a trail bike is probably the most crucial thing that needs to be done. They are essential for your safety in the event of an accident and your comfort in various weather and environmental conditions. You can purchase quality motorcycle gear or clothing on websites like

For basics, we recommend the following:

  • A high-quality breathable helmet
  • A set of goggles that matches the helmet. You might need several lenses as you have to factor in day and night.
  • The right armor. Choosing the proper motorcycle armor might depend on the trail, weather, and comfortability. You can select an armor made of foam, silicone, or hard plastic. 
  • Dirt bike riding boots and gloves.
  • Other accessories such as knees and elbow pads, neck brace, etcetera.

Learn the Appropriate Biking Skills.

Again, you can’t ride a bike on the trail as you do on the road. However, here are some trail riding techniques you will need:

  • Proper Braking: In most cases, mastery of the front brake is more important for road riding. Most of the time, you’ll use your rear brake in dirt riding. 
  • However, front brakes are still used, and riders must exercise caution not to lock the front tire, which can result in losing control of the bike.
  • Ride while standing: Riding a bike through the trails while standing up is the most effective technique. It helps you maintain your balance while also providing a better perspective of the landscape in front of you. 
  • In addition, it will assist you in better controlling the bike and make it easier for you to deal with the bumps.
  • Learn to lift your bike: When you ride your bike off-road, there is a good chance of losing control of it. One might even go so far as to suggest that it is unavoidable. Therefore, make sure to work on strengthening the muscles in your lower body so that you can learn how to lift your bike after it has been dropped.

Prepare for a sore body.

Riding on long stretches of normal roads will almost put you in a meditative state. However, this will not occur on the dirt road due to the poor road conditions. 

You will experience soreness, so get used to it. If you are going on a multi-day trail ride, pack some muscle relief lotion so you can get some relief.


Above are some of the basic needs you need for a trail-riding. However, it could be more, depending on your destination and route. You can consider the weather, terrain, accessibility to gas stations and hotels, and many other things.

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