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Visual Content You Need To Use In Your Marketing Campaigns

Videos, infographics, memes, presentations, traditional images, and screenshots represent some of the most important areas of visual content worth exploring in marketing campaigns.

What Visual Content Is Best, And Why?

The most effective visual content will in part depend on the sort of customers involved. Some will be more responsive to “new” content. For others, that’s going to ultimately be beyond them. So when you’re marketing online, and even in the non-digital world, what sort of visual imagery should you use?

Following we’ll briefly explore five visual content options that tend to characterize much of modern digital media. All businesses will encounter options here that will work for them, and some which may not quite be appropriate. That which is best for your company will certainly depend on unique operational characteristics that define what you do, so factor those in.

1. Images And Screenshots

Billboards are sort of like articles with images, or screenshots of digital activity. Granted, billboards still have their place, and fine photography can make any business more appealing. Graphic design and skill in capturing just the right images is important for billboards, and it’s also important in which images you choose online.

Screenshots tend to be more educational. The idea with a solid screenshot is that some sort of activity can be captured and communicated visually more effectively than textually. For example, you might have a progression of screenshots that demonstrate how to do some minor function on your smartphone—like enhancing volume.

Describing certain technological actions can be complex. Screenshots tend to tell the story better. Also, a picture says a thousand words. Now, with marketing, an “image” need not necessarily be a picture. It could be a graphic, a computer-generated artwork, a cartoon, or whatever works.

Regardless, in marketing, you need a visual element. Both images and screenshots have their place. If you’re not sure where to start, look into what competitors or peers are doing, and consider a little consultation.

2. Infographics

Infographics are kind of like informational cartoons. They tend to be larger than traditional images. A normal infographic will require you to scroll down on your smartphone screen a few times before you find your way to the end of it. One “pro tip” for infographics would be to assure whatever you design is optimized for smartphone interaction.

Now, beyond smartphones, you definitely want to assure infographics can be interfaced with in a simple way through traditional online avenues of outreach. Keep in mind, though, that more people access the web today through mobile devices than desktop options. Accordingly, it’s very important to factor this into any visual designs you incorporate in marketing.

3. Video Content – Production Need Not Be “Hollywood” Quality

Video content is very good for engaging audiences and communicating with diverse demographics. However, producing a video can take time, storage space, and one’s peace of mind. Editing is downright frustrating. That said, you don’t need some conglomeration of rapid-cut footage replete with computer special effects to make an impact.

In fact, you could use a simple video maker like this to design solid marketing content which looks good doesn’t take too long to make, and offers a broad variety of editing options to assure the footage turns out just how you intended.

4. Visual Presentations

Marketing isn’t always “static”, it can have an interactive quality. In 2021, everybody knows about PowerPoint presentations available through Microsoft software. What a lot of people don’t realize is that PowerPoint isn’t the only game in town. As it turns out, there are multiple software suites that can be perfect for designing effective presentations.

A solid presentation can be sent to a prospective client. It can be explored in a physical meeting with potential investors or future customers. The level of interactivity in the presentation may be additionally variable. It all depends on how effective such options are for your marketing campaigns, and what budget is available to design them.

5. The Wild Card: Memes

Memes are the marketing wildcard of the modern world. Generally, memes have humorous content defining them. A good way to understand one is like this: a meme is much like a Far Side comic panel from the nineties. These were about the size of a Kodak instant camera photograph and had a caption. Well, memes just put captions under real life or other content.

Memes tend to have a “trendy” quality. That is to say, they usually involve things that are trending in pop culture or politics. Memes can have moving images as well, they need not be static pictures or pieces of animation. Many memes consist of short video clips cut with new sounds or captions.

Memes are a fine avenue for marketing, but you do need to know what you’re doing, and it may require hiring some young guy who understands what’s popular, and what’s “cringe”.

There’s little with so much viral or communicative potential as a solid meme that hits on all levels. Likewise, a bad meme will totally deflate the sails (and sales?) of a marketing campaign.

Optimizing Visual Content For Greatest Overall Effectiveness

Memes, visual presentations, video content, infographics, images, and screenshots all represent notable marketing solutions as regards the visual element. Which of these singularly or in combination best fit your operation will certainly depend on your operation. That said, some mix of these should prove communicative and helpful when properly applied.

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