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What You Need To Know About Pre-Employment Physical Exams

Pre-employment physical exams are designed to identify whether an individual is physically able to perform the essential functions of a job. The employer may also use these exams to determine whether an employee poses a health or safety risk to themselves or others at work. Physical ability tests, drug and alcohol tests, psychological tests, and medical history questionnaires are all types of pre-employment tests that may be used as part of the hiring process.

What are Pre-Employment Physical Exams

A pre-employment physical exam is an examination that employers often require applicants and employees to take before they are hired or allowed to begin work. The purpose of a pre-employment physical is to determine whether an applicant is physically and mentally fit to perform the essential functions of the job they are applying for.

Several types of tests may be conducted during a pre-employment physical, including:

Physical ability tests – These tests assess an applicant’s ability to perform the physical tasks required by the job they are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job that involves lifting heavy objects, you may be asked to lift a certain amount of weight as part of your pre-employment physical.

Drug and alcohol tests – Before hiring applicants, some employers require them to submit to a drug and alcohol screening. These tests help to ensure that employees are not under the influence while they are at work, which can be dangerous for themselves and other workers.

Psychological tests – Some employers may also include psychological assessments as part of a pre-employment physical. These tests look at things like an applicant’s cognitive abilities, personality traits, and emotional state in order to determine whether they would be a good fit for the job.

Physical Pre-Employment Restrictions

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers cannot require applicants to undergo a medical examination before offering them a job. However, once an employee has been offered a job, they may be required to undergo a medical examination if all employees in the same position category go through the same procedure. 

Employers should also be aware of state and local laws that may regulate the use of pre-employment physical exams. For example, some states prohibit employers from asking applicants about their medical history or requiring them to undergo a medical examination before making an employment offer.

If you are planning to apply for a job that involves heavy lifting or exposure to hazardous materials, it is important to be prepared for the pre-employment physical exam. This may include being up-to-date on your immunizations and screenings, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and exercising regularly. Additionally, you should speak with your healthcare provider if there are any concerns or limitations that could affect your ability to perform certain tasks at work.

Overall, pre-employment physical exams play an important role in ensuring workplace safety and helping both employers and employees make informed decisions about employment opportunities. If you are considering applying for a job that requires a physical exam, it is essential to understand the types of tests that may be involved and what is expected of you during the process. With proper preparation and adherence to legal guidelines, you can feel confident about your ability to successfully navigate the pre-employment physical exam process.


Are you an employer or company manager looking to hire qualified employees? PCP Works provides pre-employment physicals to individuals seeking employment and can provide the right physical exams for your needs. Their expert staff will come to your facility to perform the requested testing, saving you valuable time, effort, and money.

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