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5 Ways To Make Culture A Guiding Light in Times of Change

You have to be intentional about your company culture. It sets the tonality and depth of your business vision and mission. 

Your organisational culture’s driving factors must be clear for that reason. Otherwise, it’s difficult to keep the culture and business balanced in the face of changing times and customers’ needs. 

To make the best of the workplace culture, let’s see how to shape it better today. Because a robust company culture has full potential to be the guiding light in times of change: favourable or unfavourable. 

Steps To Nurture A Company Culture That’s Dependable And Brings More Clarity In Times Of Change:

Hire right from day one.

Your employees define the culture you want to thrive in. Without a miss, you must hire the right workers to take the narrative of your company culture forward. They have to share the same vision and mission.

For that, use uKnowva’s recruitment engine. It has multiple functionalities to smoothen the process of talent acquisition. It can help human resources publish a job opening across various portals. 

Then, they have the CV bank based on keywords punched in the system. It helps save multiple hours invested originally to find the perfect match. 

You can schedule multiple interviews a single day by sending out automated follow-up calls and filling up the calendar as confirmation rolls in. 

Whereas some smart configurations in the system assist HR persons in reading behavioural cues of candidates. These insightful reports are one of the driving factors to hire right from day one. 

You would know if the chosen candidate is invested in the interview and job profile. The system and its analytical reports are free from human errors like fatigue, bias, or favouritism.

Do regular health checks of the processes.

Your firm’s culture mustn’t be stagnant. Being robust does not permit it to be rigid, especially when every day is a new challenge to conquer for sustainability. Thus, your HR persons have to use agile uKnowva HRMS.

Using this system, they can carry out timely audits for the health checks of the corporate culture. It involves employee engagement, satisfaction, mental well-being, punctuality, and project delivery rates. 

Without refining these factors, it’s imposing for the company culture to become the guiding light in times of change.

Your team has to be consistent with audits of these health checks. This could be either by weekly or daily quick catch up too. At least, through this, your management knows that they can trust you with full autonomy. 

With that, project delivery is fast, reliable, and has the most-needed capability to help make the culture and business more profitable.

Make use of the performance management system.

There has to be a flexible system to catch hold of your team’s performance levels. Because without knowing how they perform, you can’t measure the effectiveness of the culture. 

This applies to everyone working for you. That means you can boost diversity in the workplace. There shall be no discrimination in judging the project delivery rate. The system itself has no bias towards anyone. 

It will simply tell you the correct details entered by the registered active users. As the relationship manager or team leader, you must audit these reports. Check who in your team is a high-performer to differentiate from those who are not. 

Accordingly, you can change the association and allotment of projects for every one of your team members. You get to charge your client right based on the hours clocked in.

If you want, share those clocked-in hours reports for correct billing. Anyways, back to the point, it’s highly suggestible to use the PMS like uKnowva. Then, it’s easy for you to know which employee deserves a raise and to what extent. 

Besides that, if you consistently study their performance reports, employees would not take it lightly. They will be sure to deliver their performances as disciplined as possible. 

Later, C-level executives can appraise their outperforming records in front of the entire organisation. That’s just one of the many perks of performance and project management systems. 

Additionally, you would know which employee or teammate is consistent in performing, even in times of change. Those are more dependable for taking calculated risks and leading the way to set new benchmarks.

Focus on employees’ well-being. 

Allowing employee engagement space and platforms like social intranet will only work when your team is internally happy. They must connect with their roles and responsibilities. Their daily tasks should excite them to break records or set new ones. 

That is only possible when you’re not unnecessarily overburdening the employee. Everyone has mental and physical limitations. As an RM, you must know that before allocating those targets. 

The best way to refine the company culture in tandem with mental health is to talk to your employees. Know their strengths and weaknesses. 

Ask them:

How many goals can they set?

How much time would it take to accomplish them all?

Use PMS and VBS systems to check their punctuality and disciplined nature. Check their happiness meter infused in uKnowva VBS

This assists you in discerning whether you’re hiring happy, tired, or bored workers. It is reliable for reading your team’s mood from the start of the day to the end. Because demotivated, tired, or bored workers will contaminate the organisation’s mood. 

For example,

If one worker is not happy with the job, they will have negative and unproductive behaviour. It means their interactions with other teammates will not be fruitful. Mental health is contagious. 

So, when one employee is disturbed, it will impact others they interact with. Slowly, the entire organisation might get affected. Thus, you have to read your employees’ moods and mental health continuously. 

Try structured pulse surveys. Post them on your social intranet networks. Encourage your team to participate there. Let their voice be heard and acted upon. 

This factor boosts diversity in the workplace and finds the right balance of mental well-being.

Give employees the right tools as the change knocks at the door.

Your team needs the best tools possible to change the culture when required. The management mustn’t blindly post policies for everyone to follow. Employees are human, not machines. 

They have the right to question, suggest, feel disconnected, or need to leave if there is no sincerity in the culture. If you give them the right tools to provide complete technical support, their retention improves.

Most millennials would be ready to work for you in times of change if you give them the best tools to work on. There, they learn new things every day, and they feel excited to show up at work to make it more meaningful. 


Refining company culture has never been easy in any phase of the industrial revolution. We are now on the brink of the Web 2.0 world, ready to accept the full disclosure and acceptance of Web 3.0.

Users will readily own, write, and read content and their KPIs on Web 3.0 mediums. Thus, the way we use tech tools today will drastically change. 

Change is always happening around the culture. That means your culture has to be agile too. It will only be ready to accept the full force of this cultural and digitised change if you have a workforce that won’t mind adapting. 

So, hire, train, manage, and develop your teams right. Don’t delay or lack in knowing their touchpoints. Nurture them and see them evolving your business like never before. 

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