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7 productivity-boosting tips for self-employed mom’s

Being a Mom itself is an overwhelming task and if you happen to be a self-employed Mom, it is amazing and going to be exhausting for you. Surely, you can pull off anything but at times, you do need some productivity-boosting tips to handle your work and motherly duties. Procrastination and distractions could really affect work for any organized working mom. Sometimes it is hard to focus on work when your mind is running in another direction. However, there is nothing you can’t sort out if you put your mind to it. 

If you are a self-employed mom who is struggling with productivity, then here we have 7 productivity-boosting tips for self-employed moms.

1. Take Frequent Breaks

Being a mother and a working woman is not easy. You are already putting so much effort to balance everything, so it is only right that you get to take a few breaks during your work. One of the main benefits of doing self-employment is that you can take breaks whenever you feel like it. It is understandable that you want to work but you also need rest to be recharged again. You are a human being and without rest, you might risk your health or get completely burned out by overworking yourself. Exhaustion can lead to low productivity and eventually you will have to work hard to reach your potential. So, it would be better to take small breaks in between your work. You could do a simple walk during that short time, do a breathing exercise to calm yourself, and even go see your children for a short while before you resume your work. 

2. Assess Your Goals and Routine

Honestly, being a mother and juggling work life could easily make you lose sight of your goals. You may have had a goal for your business, but motherly duties can make you forget about your goals because it is natural that you put your children first. At times, you don’t have a second to breathe and this is when things start to go in the wrong direction. You need time to assess your goals and routine, so it is necessary that you make time to sort these through. Setting a routine would help you take some time in which you can go over the details and find new inspiration for your goals. If you aren’t passionate about your self-employment, you might not be determined to do anything. So set goals and routines first if you want to be productive. When you have your goals and aspirations sorted, you would be productive towards that goal.

4. Use Your Resources

Being a working woman, you have to prove yourself by being independent, but you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. There are so many services available online for self-employed mothers and you can choose a few to make your life easier. These resources are there to make your life easier so you should use tools such as pay stub maker, freelance platforms where you could hire someone else to do some work for you, and a virtual assistant. Taking advantage of your resources is a smart decision and it can help you focus on the creative solutions for your problems.  

4. Get Help

Like resources, you need to get help when you need it. You need to learn to depend on other people as well. Try not to be the only one to manage everything. Hire other people to help you out with your professional work as well as your personal tasks. If you have infants, leave them in a daycare or hire a nanny. If you have children that are old enough to help you in the kitchen, then ask them to help you in the kitchen with small tasks. If you think that you won’t be able to prepare a meal on time, order a meal from a restaurant and call it a day. These days there are so many small businesses that offer home-cooked meals and deliver them to your doorstep, so get help in any form to make time for your work. If your daily tasks are managed well, it can help you be productive for your business. 

5. Dress Up More Often

Mom duties and professional dressing would seem like a tug of war, but you should make the effort to look the part. It is necessary because dressing up professionally can get you motivated for success, and we all want that. Opt for sharp attire when you have a meeting with your team or a potential client. It can help you feel good and productive for work.  

6. Focus on Your Health

You would want to be healthy to balance your personal and professional life. Therefore, focus on your health. Eat nutritious meals and do some exercise to stay fit for yourself. Doing moderate exercise can be very influential for physical and mental health. Having a sound body and sound mind can help you stay productive for your work and mom duties.  

7. Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

There are women who are killing it in their careers and in their personal lives. But that doesn’t mean pushing yourself to the edge. It is okay to be at your own pace. Even if you are not getting things done perfectly, it is okay. You need to let go of a lot of things if you want to be productive. Whining and lingering about the same thing all day will only let you down. So, don’t be hard on yourself.

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