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Maxwell Drever Explains the Factors Involved in Converting Hotel to Affordable Workforce Housing

A number of governments and communities were successful in increasing their housing capability during the COVID-19 epidemic by quickly purchasing hotels and motels as well as turning them into fixed residences. The article will take you through the considerations of the hotels-to-housing conversions from experts that you must know about. In order to find affordable workforce housing, the developers or investors must be aware of the insights of the conversion process. Here Maxwell has shared all the details that you must be aware of.

Make a game plan

In collaboration with your general contractor and project manager, develop an action plan that incorporates principles from both the original and revised plans. Once you have got government clearance and building permits, move forward with your project. All parties participating in the hotel conversions are familiar with the principles included in the 2006 International Building Code, which includes a reference to the needs for independent living in its provisions. Maintain a straightforward strategy. Stress the importance of the start and completion (or finish) dates, as well as any budget limits. So, if you really want to invest in the affordable housing project, then you must have a detailed plan. Only an expert can help you with a strategic plan for smart investing so you can make a profit as well as help the community.


Some hotels (maybe a large number of hotels) are experiencing financial difficulties right now. Those working in the travel and hospitality industries have been hit particularly hard by the Covid epidemic. As a result, there may be some interesting possibilities to purchase properties at a discount on the cost of building. Please remember that the cost of acquiring the hotel is only one of the expenditures involved and that there will be other more fees associated with refurbishing and launching the business. This is what you always have an expert by your side so you would know the entire project cost in detail before investing.

Taking into consideration the remodeling of the bathroom

Following the completion of the initial phase of reorganizing or merging rooms in order to produce numerous bedrooms and enough living space per unit, you will need to relocate or eliminate some of the bathrooms on each floor at some point. That really is easier said than done, however, since the bathrooms are positioned in strategic areas in the existing hotel construction, ensuring that all of the vents would be in the same place. When you begin shifting the bathrooms, you’ll need to make certain that the new layout enables the remaining functional bathrooms to remain in the same location. In the alternatives, new vents and ductwork are attempted to be installed within the existing framework, which is more complex, time-consuming, and more expensive. This makes it necessary to go through all the aspects before making any decision on the investment.

Maxwell Drever suggests getting in touch with an affordable workforce housing expert in order to understand the sector and make well-informed decisions on your investment.

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