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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: Acronyms & Terms you Need to Know

The world of digital marketing might seem a little mysterious to some people, like most industries, there are acronyms and terms that are exclusive to this sector, which we feature in this short article.

  • SEOSearch engine optimisation is the art of boosting a website’s rankings within a Google search; there are a few strategies to accomplish the goal and this term is also used to describe a digital marketing agency.
  • ROI – The return on investment is an important metric to tell an advertiser how effective the campaign is. The higher the ROI, the better.
  • CTR – The click through rate tells you how many users interact; to find out your CTR, divide the number of impressions by the number of clicks and multiply by 100.
  • PPC Pay per click advertising is when the advertiser pays the broadcaster an agreed amount per click. Many companies prefer PPC advertising and all SEO agencies handle PPC campaigns for their clients.
  • BR – The bounce rate is a metric that measures the number of site visitors that leave the website without viewing any pages. Click here for software solutions with digital marketing.
  • CMS – A content management system is an application to edit web content; WordPress is a classic example of a CMS. 
  • SMM – Social media marketing is one of the top performing digital marketing strategies and most clients explore the potential that social media offers. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all offer comprehensive marketing features and with professional help from a digital marketing agency, great results can be achieved.
  • SERP – The search engine results page is what you see at the end of a Google search and it is every company’s goal to be on this page. 
  • TLSTransport layer security is a certificate that triggers “https” and a small padlock on the browser’s URL window. This is vital because it tells users that your website is secure; indeed, many users will not visit an unsecure website, as the risk of hacking is greater.
  • SSL Secure socket layer certificate is similar to the TLS certificate. You can buy one online and install it on your site.
  • KPI Key performance indicators are important metrics that measure your website’s performance. 
  • CPA – The cost per acquisition model applies to certain actions determined by the advertiser; it might be a payment to a non-profit or purchasing tickets to a show. This is not always the best approach and your ad might need to be optimised to be successful.
  • CTA – A call to action is a request for a user to take the next step; it might be ‘learn more’, ‘watch video’ or ‘buy now’. CTAs are essential to convince a user to commit further
  • DMADesignated market area is a geographical region that an advertiser wishes to cover with their campaign. 

We hope that this article helps you to gain a better understanding of the mysterious world of digital marketing. If you would like to learn more about digital marketing and how it can help your business, start with a Google search to find a local SEO agency and make contact.

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