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How to Make A Creative eBook?

All the programs and tools you need to easily create your own e-book in .pdf from scratch step by step, as well as a unique 3D cover that looks like a regular trade book.


Why write an e-book?

The answer is very simple: “To make money!”. The numbers certainly don’t lie, and what the publishing giant Amazon is showing us is that it now sells more e-books than printed books. Of course, in addition to Amazon, there are dozens of websites that one can sell his e-book. The “Publishing Revolution” has already begun and anyone can use their talent and knowledge to make money by writing digital books!

Finding the right subject.

The first step before creating an ebook is to find its theme. Each author can use his knowledge on a particular topic and analyze it, providing the reader with useful and good information. It is a very common and profitable phenomenon to write e-books that analyze “How to do something” or “How to”, where the subject matter is really inexhaustible.

Some examples of successful ebooks:

By doing a quick search on the internet we can find that all Internet Marketing Gurus have written at least one ebook, in which they explain how they managed to become rich. Such ebooks can make the author twice as rich!

The same is true in health and nutrition, where all the secrets of the good life are analyzed, which is very popular and sells a lot.

A good poker connoisseur can actually earn a lot of money by writing his secrets and instructions in an e-book.

Programs and applications to write an ebook in pdf format

The .pdf is the most widely used format for ebooks worldwide and this is because it is recognized by most ebook readers on PCs or Macs and because of the security of the content.

The options we have to convert a document to .pdf are many and it is worth mentioning the most common and easiest between free programs or on payment.

Two of the best ebook creation software in the market right now, are Sqribble and Designrr. They both allow you to create an ebook, simply by copying and pasting a link to a field. 

Hit the ebook button and voila the ebook is done. Cover, back cover and table of content – everything is populated in the ebook. 

The problem is which one of the two to choose from. To find the answer (I was looking at it myself) I stumbled upon an article from called – Sqribble vs Designrr. Spot on – I thought.

It is a great article. I urge you to read it to. It will really help you decide which software is best for you.

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