Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace is frightening. If you believe you have been sexually harassed, you should make sure to get in touch with a sexual harassment lawyer who can represent you and make sure you get justice for what you’ve been through.
Ask a Sexual Harassment Lawyer: What Will Happen to My Job if I Come Forward?
The Responsibilities of Your Employer
Many people are afraid to come forward about the sexual harassment they have experienced because they are worried that they might lose their jobs. It is the responsibility of your employer to ensure that you can work both effectively and safely in your workplace.
If you report that you have been sexually harassed by someone in your workplace, your employer must perform an investigation. They should also take corrective action against the person who harassed you to ensure that no one else goes through what you went through.
The Investigation
Sexual harassment is traumatic, scary, and can make you feel isolated. When you report sexual harassment in your workplace, your employer should take this very seriously. Someone should begin an investigation right away so that corrective action can be taken promptly.
There are several pieces of information that the investigator will gather, including the identity of the person performing the sexual harassment, the identities of other people who have been harassed, and what kind of sexual harassment was taking place. You may need to provide information about the harassment you experienced. Be honest and as detailed as possible.
After the Investigation
In some cases, the behavior being reported to an employer might be inappropriate but may not necessarily count as sexual harassment. In these situations, the person performing the inappropriate behavior may simply be spoken to and asked to stop.
However, if the investigator confirms that sexual harassment has taken place, corrective actions will need to be taken against your harasser. Depending on the situation, your harasser may get a warning, or more severe actions could be taken. Your harasser could be demoted, reassigned to a new job, or possibly even fired.
Safety from Retaliation
Retaliation is one of the things that you might fear the most if you are thinking about reporting sexual harassment. But you are legally protected against retaliation if you decide to come forward. Even if the investigator finds that you did not experience sexual harassment, it is still illegal to take retaliative actions against you.
If you come forward and believe you are being retaliated against, make sure to get in touch with Kansas City workplace sexual harassment attorneys. Examples of retaliation include things like insults and bullying as well as being reassigned to different jobs or creating an otherwise hostile work environment.
Contacting the EEOC
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the EEOC was established to protect employees in their workplaces. If you reported sexual harassment in your workplace and you do not believe you were taken seriously or you think you have been retaliated against, you can contact the EEOC and file a complaint.
When you speak to your counselor at the EEOC, they will walk you through the process of filing your complaint. Once you have filed the complaint, the EEOC must complete its own investigation within 180 days. They will confirm whether or not the sexual harassment took place. You can also request a hearing in front of a judge.
How Can a Lawyer Help?
Experts at Law
No matter what kind of claim you are filing, having a good lawyer on your side is important. This is especially true for something as complicated and traumatic as sexual harassment.
Your lawyer has years of training and experience. They’ll make sure that you understand what’s happening at every point in the process, and they’ll always be there to back you up and ensure that your rights are respected. Your lawyer will know what strategies to implement to ensure you get a fair settlement.
Compassion and Patience
Lawyers who specialize in sexual harassment law know how difficult it is to deal with. While you may not have gotten the respect and safety you deserve in your workplace, you can trust your lawyer to offer you compassion throughout the entire process.
Regardless of where you are in the process, your lawyer will be there for you. They will help you gather the necessary evidence to prove that the harassment did indeed take place, they will make sure your claim is filed correctly and on time, and they will represent you in court if you must take your case in front of a judge.
If you have experienced sexual harassment in your workplace, you deserve justice for what you have been through. Always work with a qualified lawyer when you are facing a legal issue like this. Your lawyer will ensure that you are compensated and that you feel safe at work again.