Addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease. An addiction is a chronic disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences, and by enduring psychological or physical dependence on a drug. Every addiction has a different impact on the brain and the body.
Addiction is a serious condition that can affect all facets of a person’s life. It can cause relationship problems, job issues, financial problems, depression, and even incarceration. While all addictions affect people differently. Drugs, which include both legal and illegal substances, are the most commonly abused substances, but addictions also involve other behaviors such as gambling, sex, and shopping.
It’s important to understand that addiction is a disease of the brain. The more our brains are exposed to something (whether it be drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, etc.), the stronger the connection between the thought of using/consuming it and our bodies reaction to the substance. This connection reinforces itself over time through what’s called “neuroplasticity”; thus addiction occurs when certain parts of our brain.
Drug addiction has a devastating impact on the addict and their surroundings. Friends and family members around them are often just as affected as the addict themselves. More than 46 million (160 million globally) people are living with addiction issues. Just like you, they’re fighting every day to get their lives back.
How A Person Becomes Addict?
The brain is a complicated organ, but addiction is the result of something fairly simple. The part of you that controls decision-making and behavior is designed to keep you alive and not die of starvation. If you lived in the woods and had limited resources, you’d become very survival-minded. You’d stop wasting food, stop taking unnecessary risks, and only acquire the sustenance you needed.
When you become addicted to a substance, your brain becomes addicted to the drug or alcohol. Each time you use it, your brain releases opioids, the feel-good chemicals that make you feel relaxed and calm.
The brain, much like your body, has limits. If you consume more sugar than it needs, it will find something to do with the excess. It turns it into fat, or it puts the excess sugar in your liver, which turns it into fat. In the brain, excess opioids are released and turned into fat.
Because the brain doesn’t see alcohol consumption as harmful, it only responds to alcohol as a threat. The brain responds to cocaine the same way, which is why cocaine addiction is more difficult to overcome than alcohol addiction.
Types Of Addiction
There are a number of different types of addiction, each with its own set of symptoms and consequences. It can involve the use of substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and hallucinogens.
Here’s an example of the three types of addiction:
This is the most serious type of addiction and the leading cause of death as a result of substance abuse. Alcoholism is usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. A person’s genetic makeup determines how likely they are to drink alcohol and how much they might drink. Other factors, such as exposure to alcohol at an early age, stress, injuries, and other health issues, can make it more likely that someone will develop alcoholism.
Opioid Addiction
Opioid drugs include heroin, prescription painkillers such as Vicodin and OxyContin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. Prescription painkillers such as Vicodin and OxyContin have become a leading cause of opioid overdoses, and are responsible for more deaths than cocaine and heroin combined.
Benzodiazepine Addiction
Benzodiazepines include drugs like Xanax and Valium. Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that includes Xanax and Valium. They’re used to treat anxiety and insomnia and are also used to help people relax and sleep.
Addiction Treatment
The first and most important step in treating addiction is to recognize that you have a problem. From there, you might seek treatment at a rehabilitation clinic, which can often provide both medication and therapy. You can also find treatment in an outpatient program, or at a treatment center where you’ll stay for rehabilitation of your addiction. Rehabhelper is one of the best rehabilitation centres in south africa.
Dealing with addiction can be one of the most difficult challenges a person can face, but with the right treatment and resources, recovery is possible. Many people who suffer from drug addiction relapse. Recovering from drug addiction requires commitment and support. There are things that can be done to help an addict overcome their addiction. Recovery is possible, but it won’t happen overnight. It takes an ongoing commitment and tools to help you manage your everyday life.
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please contact a professional for more information on how to get help today. Go now for the rehabilitation of your loved ones and help them to get rid of their addiction.