The cost of senior home care can often put people off getting their elderly relatives the care and attention that they need to live a long and happy life of independence. Then, before you completely ignore the idea of home care for the senior in your life, here are some of the most important facts that you should know about it.
How much will the care cost?
It can be difficult to determine how much the care will cost as it is not the same for everyone. The cost depends on the level of care that your loved one needs and the conditions that they have, with some of these requiring specialist attention. It also depends on the number of hours that they will need help during the day and the activities that they need help with. It can also differ by location and change vastly depending on the senior home care service that you opt for.
How can you budget for home care?
You need to consider how young your relative is before you create a budget for their care, how often they will need home care a week, and whether they will need home care more extensively as they begin to get frailer. By budgeting beforehand, you will then be able to find the best senior home care service for your monetary needs, as well as the needs of your ailing loved one.
Is it cheaper than a residential home?
One of the major advantages of home care over residential care is that it is substantially cheaper. This is because you will not have to pay for accommodation or meals, as well as 24-hour care for your loved one. Then, for many people who are worried about the cost of looking after their relative as they get older, this can be the best option. Not only this but inviting a carer into your home can allow you to go to work rather than sacrificing some of your income to look after an elderly parent or relative. This then means that you will be more easily able to afford home care than if you were to provide your relative with full-time care yourself.
How can you afford home care?
Many people are worried about how they are going to be able to afford home care for their ailing relatives. However, there are many ways that you can get the amount of money that you need. As well as their own bank account and your income, you can often get government help through different schemes and programs. Your health insurance and Medicare will also cover the cost of home care services. You may also be able to get tax breaks if you are the primary carer of your loved one, regardless of whether you have home care services or not, and some people may be able to get a tax deduction for home care services, similar to if your loved one was in a residential home.