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Which styles of glasses are perfect for varifocal lenses?

Do you usually use varifocal glasses? Many of you might have been using these varifocal glasses and a few of you might not be aware of what these glasses actually are. 

You must have seen bifocal glasses, these are mainly used in situations where there is a disturbance in both near and farsightedness. The bifocal lenses have two different refractive zones supporting both near and far issues. But when it comes to varifocals that has been completely changed. 

Varifocal glasses 

Varifocal glasses are the one that supports both near, far, and intermediate sightedness. And they usually carry three refractive zones with them, near, far, and intermediate making it a perfect pair of lenses supporting various vision issues. When it comes to the bifocal lenses, these lenses have two zones offering movement from near and far, but varifocal lenses have movements in three zones. This movement becomes much easier and smoother as there is no sudden jump but a casual shift. 

In bifocal lenses, there is this rough division making it an extremely comfortable movement of the eyes. In varifocal there is no such visible division, so specialising in extreme comfort while moving from one refractive zone to another. 

Though varifocals offer extreme comfort there are a few issues that several beginners might face. 

For the beginners 

Yes, for the one using the glasses varifocals for the first time they might find their eyes and brain difficult in adjusting to the sudden changes. The sudden movement of all the three refractive zones can be quite tricky and takes time to adjust to the sudden changes. 

How to tackle such a situation?

There are several times when one might face issues such as not being able to adjust to the changes easily, so here are a few tips that one can actually look into as a coping mechanism.

  • One must make sure that once they start using these glasses completely day and night, they must not skip in between. 
  • Apart from that, one must make sure that they do not switch to their old glasses while using the varifocal lenses as it will not provide ample time for the brain and the eyes to adjust to the changes.  
  • Another issue that one might face is that the sudden movement of the eyes while looking can make it extremely comfortable, so the person must make sure to move their head in order to adjust to the changes slowly.
  • Last but not the least, consistency is the key. 

These are a few tips that one can actually consider, and if the person is not so comfortable with the changes, then must make sure to consult a specialist regarding the same and take necessary remedies. 

Styles for your favourite varifocal lenses

When you are purchasing that one glasses varifocal, there must be a perfect frame that suits the same. Here is a few suggestions that you must actually consider while purchasing varifocal lenses:

Cat-eye glasses- And this time we would not ask you to go for varifocals but the one and only iconic glasses. Yes, that is none other than the Harlequin glasses, the biggest and most iconic upswept you have seen to date that is exactly what is in trend now. The 50s are back with a bang and these are in to embrace the best of varifocal choices just for you. 

Aviator glasses- A longtime trendsetter, that is exactly what these rogue-looking glasses are all about. Their size gives perfect coverage if one is looking for something varifocal, a perfect are coverage glasses. From the time of war till 2020, these have been specialised into making it a wardrobe staple and that is exactly what these have been for quite a long time. 

Round glasses- From the earliest of styles, there has been no looking back since this time. A perfect geek pick from the very first time, these are the perfect definition of uncool being the supercools. Perfect for the one if you are looking forward to a romantic date or a formula meet. 

Rimless glasses- For every formal and office requirement, one definitely has a safer and stylish pick, and rimless glasses are just among the same. These could have various types from round to cat-eye to rectangular glasses. So your dream to add a pinch of extra sophistication has just been granted with these pretty-looking rimless glasses. If you are looking for the strength to support these lenses then one must look for the option of titanium glasses, which are known for the durability and strength they carry. 

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