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10 Walking tips and how it benefits you

The article provides 10 tips to help you live a more active life. Whenever you feel stressed, just take a walk and relieve the stress. Ensure that at least 1/10 of your daily calorie intake should come from vegetables and fruits! You can reduce the risk of heart disease by walking around 20 minutes every day. Reading books and taking walks are two very effective ways to improve memory. It keeps you healthy and active! Go for a walk whenever possible. Walk exercise is the best way to keep your body fit, strong and flexible.

You can reduce the risk of heart disease by walking around 20 minutes every day.

10 Walking tips to help you be active.

Tip No 1: Stretch before you start walking – Stretching before your walk helps to get rid of muscle tension and reduces the risk of injury.

Tip No 2: wear good shoes – The right pair of shoes are important for any out-doors activity. Walking is no exception, so remember to wear good quality shoes that will protect your feet from uneven terrain, sharp rocks etc.

Tip No 3: try hills and different surfaces – Sometimes it may be fun to walk on a country road instead of the usual sidewalks.

Tip No 4: carry a small backpack – Carrying a pack while walking adds extra calorie burn to your workout. You can add some items such as snacks and water bottles, if you plan to go for longer walks.

Tip No 5: carry a friend – If you are looking for motivation, try walking with other people, especially those who have the same goals as you.

Tip No 6: walk at different times of the day – It’s fun to go for walks in different seasons and see how nature changes its colors throughout the year. It also makes sense to walk in different parts of the day. For example, you can go early in the morning before work, during lunch break, or right after work.

Tip No 7: keep track of your progress – Use a pedometer to track how many steps you take each day. You may find that walking more helps you get more out of your workout.

Tip No 8: come up with a walking game or routine – If you like increase the number of steps you take at a time, try to invent your own game or routine. For example, you can keep track of how many reps of running back and forth between two points. Sometimes I used to do it on the library steps.

Tip No 9: track your progress – A notebook can help you keep track of your daily walks and make notes about how many miles you’ve walked, average time, number of calories burned etc. This will give you motivation to do more walking. Also, you can change your routine/game over time to keep things fresh and interesting.

Tip No 10: make sure you eat healthy – It’s important to include a variety of nutritious foods in your diet such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Many studies have shown the link between eating healthy and living a longer life. You can reduce the risk of heart problems by 30% by walking around 20 minutes every day.


I hope you find this article helpful and will apply all tips to improve your fitness routine. Walking is a great exercise which does not require any special equipment, highly recommended for everyone. It’s good for your heart, muscles and mind! Good luck!

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