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David Capablanca’s Key to Success: Improving 1% Every Day

Life’s all about improvement because if you aren’t focusing on progress you’ll be left behind. David Capablanca subscribes to this philosophy. David’s story is interesting with many twists and turns. He graduated from the University of Flordia for his undergraduate degree in Design and later went to UCLA for his Masters in Architecture and was completely unaware of financial markets before getting started in trading. 

Things were going well until David graduated with his masters. Graduate school isn’t cheap, especially for out-of-state students. He was in a lot of student debt and had attended college and graduate school for over seven years. David needed another alternative and that’s when he turned his attention to stock trading. 

Soon after, David stumbled onto a secret during his switch; he found that his artistic skills from architecture transferred seamlessly to trading since trading is an art and a science just as architecture. Architecture requires envisioning a buildings’ design, but more importantly, it’s a science because architects must ensure their vision has a basis in reality. Buildings must be sturdy otherwise, they’ll topple over. Architects spend hours performing calculations and working out how to ensure their building’s design is suitable enough to retain its aesthetic appeal and ensure functionality whether as a commercial, retail, or residential space. 

Trading follows a similar approach. Trading is an art because a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t apply. Traders must understand how financial systems work and tailor approaches that suit their trading styles and personalities. Similarly, it’s also a science because traders must understand when to enter and exit trades. In addition, they must also follow the proper trading protocols, risk management principles to ensure their trading endeavors are profitable.

David had always been intrigued by financial markets. He had also heard about traders and investors such as Ray Dalio’s journey in the financial world. Similarly, he had a similar role model like Bill Lipschultz – an architect turned into a legendary financial trader which was featured in the book Market Wizards. Thus, in 2016 he decided to educate himself further on how professional traders operate by enrolling in courses and dedicating himself to mastering the craft of trading. David has now become a well-known figure in the financial trading world.

The shift suited David because it allowed him to seize greater control over his future and life. People might lie, but numbers don’t and financial markets only care about the numbers. David’s performance would be the only thing determining his results. 

David’s foray into the trading world worked well because he did his due diligence by educating himself on the market. He was also smart enough to devise a successful strategy and follow it and sticking to what he knew. As a result, David Capablanca found great success in short-selling small-cap companies after they went on exponential short term runs. More importantly, David didn’t fall into the trap that other traders did. He wasn’t worried about competing with other traders and outperforming them. Instead, he worked on his trading endeavors with a long term vision which allowed him to focus on himself and improve each day. He realized the trading world is vast and complex which meant he had to improve himself constantly to perform his best to trade the markets successfully. He also adopted this approach to life by concentrating on constant self-improvement. 

David doesn’t just love trading; he’s obsessed. As a result, he’s constantly reading new books on trading and taking new courses. David is one of the top verified short sellers on Kinfo, a trade verification service. He has also had interviews with financial market legends like Jack Schwager. In addition, he has interviewed many top traders worldwide. He has also crossed over half a million in verified profits with a success rate exceeding 90 percent. 

In addition to continuing to improve as a trader, David Capablanca is also interested in interviewing more traders on his The Friendly Bear Podcast which available on all major streaming services and his YouTube channel.

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