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Types of Concerts Halls

Each of these types of concerts hall its own specific requirements for the organization of the entertainment space (demonstration area and seating area), as well as for other groups of concert halls. These Guidelines provide differentiated requirements for concert types. This approach makes it possible to form concert blocks (including the spectacular space and all other groups of premises) for a certain type of concert, while providing for the possibility of universalizing the halls and including concert blocks in multi-hall complexes.


The General Characteristics of Concerts Include:

The uselessness of reserve warehouses, the use of a playground for rehearsals. Choreographic concert groups, among other things, require rehearsal rooms. Large concert groups require large dressing rooms that can be used for additional chanting, instrument tuning, and warm-up. Choreographic groups include seamstresses and shoemakers, therefore, a place (zones) for repairing shoes and costumes should be provided in the service rooms. Special storage facilities are also required for the temporary storage of suits and other luggage.

Comfort can be Maximized in Highly Specialized Halls Designed

Comfort can be maximized in highly specialized halls designed for one type of concert. For this, it is necessary to satisfy the functional requirements of the programs of these concerts for the volumetric-spatial organization and parameters of the entertainment space (auditorium and demonstration area), as well as for stage equipment. For getting tickets for hip hop concerts near me you can visit seatsforeveryone.

Achievement of rationality Concert Halls

Achievement of rationality can be achieved subject to the correct choice of the capacity of the hall and types of concert programs with an appropriate degree of attractiveness (scale), with the correct functional organization of the structure, compliance with the safety conditions of stay and evacuation.

Individual Concert Halls

Individual concert halls can be designed taking into account other goals: prestige and raising the level of culture, to attract significant programs, to ensure the conditions for the activity of a unique team, etc.

Instrumental CompositionConcert Halls

The leading role of the instrumental composition of performers of concert programs necessitates their placement on a demonstration site, and not in an orchestra pit (except for choreographic programs), which is not an obligatory element of a concert hall. The limited use of decorations (or their complete absence) allows the solution of the demonstration site in the form of a stage or a stage-stage.

Foreign and Domestic Concert Halls

Foreign and domestic practice of design, construction and operation has shown that increasing the rationality of the functioning of cultural and entertainment facilities can be achieved by providing visitors with the opportunity to choose entertainment programs and associated events, as well as the possibility of independent formation of leisure programs.

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New directions in the design of Concert Halls

  • The attendance of spectacular objects increases significantly when they are located in the central part of the city, when the stops of urban and non-urban transport approach, the proximity of hotels, the availability of parking lots and, most importantly, with the historical and cultural development of the environment, which is a traditional place of leisure. The further from the center the spectacular object is placed, the higher the degree of its multifunctionality should be.
  • If the object is located in the areas of new buildings, it is necessary to ensure the improvement and landscaping of the site, the formation of an architectural-spatial and aesthetic-cultural environment simultaneously with the commissioning of the object. When constructing large complexes consisting of several buildings, it is very important to determine the appropriate sequence for the commissioning of its individual blocks. When designing a large spectacular building, one should take into account the consequences of its commissioning, which takes away programs of the corresponding scale from the objects of the old network. In this regard, it becomes necessary to adjust the network to restore the efficiency of individual objects, search for new programs for them (and, possibly, another profile).
  • To achieve this goal, spectacular multiplex complexes are being created. Multiple buildings make it possible not only to increase the rationality of functioning, but also to reduce capital investments for the construction of buildings by reducing and cooperating with groups of premises that are similar in function (artistic, spectator, rehearsal, etc.).

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