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What is the Salary for MPTET? What perks and allowances are given to MPTET teachers?

Madhya Pradesh Primary School, Teacher Eligibility test, is one of the prestigious examinations for all candidates looking forward to becoming teachers. Every year MPPEB is the one who conducts this examination for those who want to be aspiring teachers. Candidates who want to build their careers in lower primary, secondary school, or upper primary teachers have to qualify for the MP TET examination.

Even though the application for the examination is online, the entire examination is conducted offline. The monthly salary of MPTET lower primary teachers is of Rs 177000, whereas the upper primary teachers get a monthly salary of Rs 22,960. The secondary school teachers get a monthly salary of Rs 25,340 for the initial period.

Eligibility criteria

Every aspiring candidate has to meet certain eligibility criteria before applying for the MP TET examination. Some of the requirements include.

  • Age limit- Every candidate must be at least 21 years or more than that.
  • Educational qualifications- Candidates should have a B.Ed degree along with a 50% of the aggregate. Apart from that, you should clear a 2-year BTC program that too from a well-recognized university. Along with this, candidates should complete B.Ed or SPL B.Ed from any recognized university with a minimum of 50% of marks.

Registration process

Candidates who want to appear for the MPTET examination can apply for the examination online. There are certain procedures that you need to follow. First comes the registration process, where you have to visit the official website where you have to follow the procedures for putting all the details like the contact details or can also refer to BYJU’s Exam Prep. After that, you will have to put the OTP on your number to log in, which you will receive.

Next comes the form fillup part. As soon as you are registered, you have to login using the profile ID and the password. After that, you have to input all the personal and educational information. Besides, you have to upload a passport size picture, which should not be more than three months old.

After you are done filling up the form, try to recheck all the details properly. Finally, you have to submit the application form without making any errors. Do not forget to take a print out of the application form.

Salary Structure of the teachers

As earlier mentioned, the salary structure is different for the primary as well as the secondary teachers. Let us check it out.

Teachers of the primary level

  • For the first year, the salary will be around Rs 17,7000 approximately.
  • For the second year, the salary will be around Rs 20,240 approximately.
  • For the third year, the salary will be Rs 22,700 approximately.
Salary DetailSalary Structure (Rural)Salary Structure (Urban)
New Basic (7th Pay Commission)INR 25,300INR 25,300
Dearness Allowance (17% of Basic Pay)INR 4301INR 4301
House Rent AllowanceINR 2024INR 4048
Total Gross SalaryINR 31,625INR 3364

Teachers of Secondary Level

  • First Year: Rs 22,960 approximately.
  • Second Year: Rs 26, 240 approximately.
  • Third Year: Rs 29,520 approximately.
  • After completing three years, the salary structure will change.
Salary DetailSalary Structure (Rural)Salary Structure (Urban)
New Basic (7th Pay Commission)INR 32,500INR 3250
Dearness Allowance (17% of Basic Pay)INR 5525INR 5525
House Rent AllowanceINR 2600INR 5200
Total Gross SalaryINR 40,625INR 4322

Teachers for senior secondary level

  • First year: Rs 25,340 approximately.
  • Second year: Rs 28,960 approximately.
  • Third year: Rs 32,580 approximately.
  • Once the three years is over, the salary structure changes
Salary DetailSalary Structure (Rural)Salary Structure (Urban)
New Basic (7th Pay Commission)INR 36,200INR 3620
Dearness Allowance (17% of Basic Pay)INR 6154INR 6154
House Rent AllowanceINR 2896INR 5792
Total Gross SalaryINR 45350INR 4814

Perks of the MPTET teachers

Some of the perks and benefits you can enjoy include paid leaves, vacations, transport allowance, professional development, benefits after retirement life, house rent allowance, medical benefits, etc.

Hence, these are some of the details on the salary as well as the perks and benefits that you can get if you qualify as MPTET teacher.

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