Just consider that for a moment. The push-up is typically one of the earliest exercises a person masters. A large chest is another symbol of masculinity and power. All three heroes, Superman, Batman, and The Hulk, have a barrel chest for a purpose. Although this in no way diminishes Spider-Man’s status as a hero, Peter Parker is not the first comic book hero that comes to mind when thinking of macho characters.
Having a broad chest does more than make you look more masculine and attractive; it may also provide you with a much-needed confidence boost. On the other hand, having little pecs might severely damage your confidence.
Some people are born with chiseled inner pecs and complete pectoral muscle bellies, while others, no matter how much they train and what they eat, never see any results in their chests.
Chest exercises
You may have seen Kofi Kingston and Scott Steiner perform on WWE and wondered what was happening with their pecs. Both wrestling greats have scarred pectoral muscles, though for different reasons.
Because of the bad chest genetics, Kingston has a sunken chest that detracts from the attractiveness of his upper body. His pecs are not attached to his sternum in the standard midway location
But Steiner’s scarred chest is the result of an accident. In 2007, a fellow performer punched him in the throat, injuring his trachea while they were wrestling. Due to problems during surgery, Big Poppa Pump had to have his chest open to fix his breathing. Muscular atrophy, which the wrestler suffers from, is the progressive weakening of muscles or muscle groups.
Pigeon chest, or pectus carinatum, is a common (though not universal) chest wall deformity caused by an extra growth of the cartilage between the ribs and the sternum (breastbone), resulting in a protrusion in the center of the chest. Pectus carinatum is identified in 90% of children beyond the age of 11.
Human Anatomy, Chest
A person’s skeleton is fixed at birth and cannot be changed. No matter how diligently you diet or exercise, you will be restricted to staying within the lines.
It can be challenging to have a broad chest if your rib cage is smaller than average. In addition, the insertion places of your pecs are determined by your chest genetics, making this another element that cannot be changed through exercise.
In conclusion, adapting your training to compensate for pectoral injuries or genetic predispositions is possible. If you’ve hit a roadblock or want an objective physical condition assessment, it might be time to see a doctor.
An Absolute Must: The Complete Guide to Gyno in Bodybuilding
Body Type and Chest Genetics to Blame
When taking stock of one’s flaws and formulating a strategy to improve, body type and structure are often the first to go.
1. Condition of the Body:
The three distinct upcoming chest structures, according to body type, are as follows:
They are ectomorphs, and their bodies are skinny with stringy muscles around the middle. Due to their reduced body fat percentage and slender shoulders, people in this group tend to have flat chests.
Mesomorph: People who fall into this group have a muscular, athletic build and high inherent strength. The most incredible genetics for the chest is typically seen in mesomorphs.
In general, endomorphs have a stocky build. People that belong to this category tend to have broad shoulders and chests. However, these people have a hard time developing larger chest muscles. Persons who fall into the mesomorph or endomorph classifications tend to mature faster and have larger chests. But with the appropriate routine, ectomorphs can increase their chest size.
Do you have trouble determining your body type? Please take our brief body type test to find out where you belong. (It won’t even take that long.)
2. Have you been diagnosed as a “Hard gainer?”
Muscle gain might be challenging for “hardgainers.” It’s time to take stock and reevaluate your strategy, assuming you haven’t hit a wall.
If you’re week and want to bulk up, you have to consume more calories than you burn daily. In addition, find a training regimen that emphasizes building muscle mass.
3. Fibers of the Chest Muscle:
The last piece of the puzzle in figuring out if you have unfavorable chest genetics is learning about the muscle fibers in your chest.
4. A Gym-Going Bodybuilder Working on His Pecs:
Each muscle has three distinct types of fibers, each with its function and response to a stimulus. Fast oxidative (FO) fibers, slow oxidative (SO) fibers, and fast glycolytic (FG) fibers are the three types of skeletal muscle fibers.
There are two main ways to categorize skeletal muscle fibers: One measure is the relative speed at which different fibers shorten. Second, how ATP is replenished in the tissues. [1]
Type 1: Slow-contracting SO fibers generate ATP via aerobic respiration. They tire out slowly and can maintain low-power contractions for extended periods.
Type 2A: Fast-twitch (FO) fibers use mostly aerobic respiration but might exhaust more quickly than slow-twitch (SO) fibers because they may transition to anaerobic respiration (glycolysis).
Type 2B: Fast-twitch (FG) fibers rely primarily on anaerobic glycolysis and have rapid contractions. There is a quicker rate of exhaustion in FG fibers.
Because of these differences, muscles serve distinct purposes and are made of different fiber types. The typical ratio of type 1 to type 2 muscle fibers in the pectoral muscles is roughly 60% to 40%. The structure may vary by as much as 10% from person to person.
More power, high-intensity, and strength sessions and fewer endurance activities are needed to optimize type 2 A muscle fibers if you are training for power or trying to overcome poor chest genetics.
Solutions to Congenital Chest Defects
To construct a costumed hero’s chest, do as follows:
You have probably reached a plateau if you are displeased with the size and form of your chest. One of the best strategies to break past the ceiling is to increase the frequency and volume of your exercise.
Do not be afraid to work out your chest as often as three times a week. You can get a great chest workout with fewer than four or five movements every session. Keeping the lagging muscle stimulated all week without overworking is critical. A few cable workouts performed near the end of a routine could help you get there.
In addition, on your designated chest training day, surprise your pecs by doing more than 20 sets. To further keep your muscles guessing, try alternating between different rep ranges.
To Sum Up
Even though your chest may not respond to your workout and diet, you shouldn’t give up on developing it. Instead, try out several methods of training to see what sticks. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s side chest stance is an excellent example of how a large, muscular chest can draw attention. The advice in this post won’t guarantee you’ll end up with Arnie’s biceps, but it will get you well on your way.