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Twitter – A Perfect Social Network to Display your Thoughts Publicly

Twitter is an American microblogging and Social network, where you can address your thoughts through the” tweets “. The CEO of the Twitter is Jack Dorsey.

From the age of 13 any individual can create their account on Twitter where they can share their thoughts in front of the big audience.


What is the main purpose of application?

It is amongst the largest platforms, where people are connected to each other and allow them to share the information or their thoughts with big audience.

There are certain limitations when the person tweets, there should be only 280 characters throughout the tweets extra words are not accepted and you can only send 1000 tweets a day. The users which are registered can like, tweet, post, retweet but the users which aren’t registered can just view them.

Why should one use twitter?

Twitter has became very popular with the academics, students, policy makers, politician and general public. There are many users of twitter some find it hard to understand and use the application.

The great feature is that one can save time reading tweets because tweets are short and simple onto the point directly rather than reading the big news articles that is reason it is in the form.

Mentioning few things which Twitter allows the users to access:

  • Promotes your research by providing links to blog stories, journal articles and news.
  • Reaching the content to a big audience quickly through tweets and retweets.
  • Being up to date with the latest news always.
  • Express you as the person you are

Examples which one can tweet:

  • Giving details of new publications /resources which you have produced.
  • Your thoughts on the conferences you attend.
  • Replying other people tweets.
  • Retweeting other person tweet
  • Interesting news /photographs/information.

What Makes Twitter Different?

Paradise for those who want to engage with huge audience in no time: If you are a social person and want to spread your words amongst a big audience, you must learn to use Twitter wisely. Following are elements which you can use to leverage Twitter:

  • Photos (GIFs/JPG)
  • Hashtags
  • Links
  • Videos
  • Numerals (i.e., tweets containing a sports score or an official stat)

You can use the above-mentioned elements as your weapons but don’t forget my friend, every warrior has to be strong and smart. Your weapons and creativity will make you strong. For using Twitter smartly, you must keep on reading this post till end.

Smart Hacks to Leverage Twitter:

Maintain Followers and Unfollowers Ratio:

Smart people on twitter are following only those who are either following them back or providing some value with their tweets. So, keep a close eye on who has unfollowed you and make sure to unfollow non followers on Twitter.  You can use following twitter unfollow tools to make your life easier:

  • Circle boom
  • Croud fire
  • Manage flitter
  • Tweepi geeky flush

Let’s get to know more about CircleBoom– It is a twitter management tool which helps you to find out the users which are not following you back and right profiles to be followed. If you want to unfollow some of your friends you can make use of Unfollow module on circle boom.

This Twitter unfollow toolprovides you good help to unfollow the users which don’t follow you back , fake accounts , inactive accounts, spammers very fast . Circle Boom application is affordable but there are many other tools in the market which you can use.

Delete Old Tweets

In this way you can delete old tweetswith one click.

To hide the unwanted old tweets, you can opt for

Smart Twitter Search Engine

Search all your tweets and likes by keyword, date, type and media. Delete selected tweets and likes with one click.

Keep Deleted Tweets

Keep your things safe with us.  Delete tweets from the timeline but keep them private on the app always.


Twitter is one of the greatest sources of information. After news channels it is the largest connections which spreads the content. It allows brands, influencers, celebrities and normal audience to stay connected. These days Twitter has became one of the best sources to get news and what’s trending in the world.

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